When it comes to searching for information about hair transplantation, you will often come across the term “Shock Loss”, which refers to a loss of natural hair after a transplantation procedure. Shock loss may cause you a lot of anxiety, but don't worry about it. Shock Loss is actually quite a common condition to experience after undergoing hair transplantation procedure, no matter what technique applied.
Shock loss occurs in approximately 5% of all cases, depending on the newly transplanted hair and the recovery period. It starts averagely 2 weeks after hair transplantation.
If unfortunately you become one out of 5% experiencing shock loss, don't panic! You should understand that this is the natural hair shedding cycle. The hair follicles which have been transplanted will be firmly and deeply embedded in the scalp within the first 2 weeks after the hair transplantation procedure. Then the hair growth cycle begins again in 6 - 12 months.
How do we know that the hair falling out is not the hair graft which has been transplanted? Easily noticeable, the hair grafts are firmly and deeply embedded in the scalp within the first 2 weeks. During this critical period, the special care is required because the grafts are still weak. The medical professional therefore often recommends that interfere with the scalp or transplant area like catching, scratching, or rubbing against the pillow during sleep, including strenuous physical activity or exercise, should be avoided. If this period has passed and the hair falls out, you can be ensured that it is definitely not the hair follicles.
Most importantly, getting a hair transplant with a specialist physician is another key factor that helps reduce Shock Loss because every single step will be completed attentively and the potential risks will be analyzed and addressed properly as well. At Namnin, we have used very small instruments for hair grafting. This helps make the wounds smaller and short healing and recovery time. To achieve the best result, a healthy diet (especially vitamin E, B C, and protein) is a key to healthy hair follicles and scalp.
Now you have seen and understood that shock loss condition is just a common part of the hair growth cycle. Contact us to make an appointment to create a Brand New You with a professional hair transplantation service at Namnin right away.