N / E / A / T /
Hair transplant by a doctor for every graft
Namnin Exclusive Advance Hair Transplant Technique
Namnin- where art, science and technology perfectly meets. The process starts with evaluating the treatment options and deciding the most appropriate method for each patient, while taking into account the patient's concern as the first priority. Then the area of hair transplantation will be assessed using the ‘Golden Ratio’ technique which helps design the hair direction on the basis of facial proportion, gender, age, as well as the patient’s native hairline.
The primary duty of all doctors is for the care and safety of patients. Several times, simultaneously the doctors give the patients a brand new life as well. As “Hair” is more than a protein filament on the scalp, Namnin realize the importance and significance of hair which is deemed to be a reflection of individual personality and identity. Hair transplantation is both the science and art along with the academic principles for achieving the most effective results, safety and convenience, causing no impact on the daily life of service users.

Moreover, the beauty and natural-looking appearance of transplanted hair is what the surgeon needs to focus on so that the true identity and natural personality of the patients are preserved consistently. Meaningfully and intentionally “N / E / A / T” has two hidden definitions. Scientifically, NEAT means Namnin’s Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique. Artistically, NEAT literally means meticulousness of each process for achieving the natural-looking appearance of transplanted hair.

N / E / A / T
Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique

Advance hair transplant procedure
N / E / A / T Technique
Best result 98%
Short Recovery
Hair Transplantation with NEAT technique
The NEAT Technique or Namnin Exclusive Advance Hair Transplant Technique was innovatively developed from the unique expertise of Dr. Dinkanignan Namthongton, a medical teacher specialized in hair transplantation. NEAT Technique has applied the globally-recognized innovation. The expected treatment result is beyond what the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique or general permanent hair transplantations provided. Using the NEAT technique, the patient’s concerns about hair loss, thinning hair, and baldness are resolved once with only one treatment. Experience the new innovative results here and see what a difference Namnin can make!

Namnin- where art, science and technology perfectly meets. The process starts with evaluating the treatment options and deciding the most appropriate method for each patient, while taking into account the patient's concern as the first priority. Then the area of hair transplantation will be assessed using the Golden Ratio technique which helps design the hairline on the basis of facial proportion, gender, age, as well as the patient’s native hairline.

The next step is to apply the innovatively unique technique of Namnin. Our well-trained and expert surgeons come to help transform the patient into a new person. In each process of hair transplantation, the treatment effectiveness is guaranteed as the expert surgeons are the only persons who perform all these critical steps.
Removing hair follicles in a “stepped” manner
First, the injection of local anesthetic will be given. Hair follicles are typically taken from the back of the head because the occipital portion is the area having naturally strong hair follicles with the most falling-out resistance.

To perform stepped follicle extraction, a small instrument is used ensuring the excellent result of hiding the wound smoothly and blending in with the patient's original hairstyle, called as “Suture-free & Invisible wound technique”. Therefore, right after the hair transplant procedure, the patient can live his or her daily life normally as always without any recovery. The meticulousness and neatness of surgeon is required in maintaining the strength and integrity of hair follicles taken for the excellent effectiveness of treatment.
Extracting individual hair follicles one by one
The medical assistants will perform the microscopic hair follicle examination to extract individual hair follicles from each single hair. Then hair follicles will be soaked in the holding solution to preserve the quality of hair follicles to be prepared for the next step of hair transplantation.

To perform hair transplantation procedure, the surgeon will use a very small instrument, sized only 0.6 millimeters, in order to be able to grow new hair densely enough and to ensure that a new hair will eventually grow in every single wound of scalp excision. Typically, the density of hair grafts per 1 square centimeter is greater than 60 grafts.
Designing the Hair direction
The surgeon gradually implants healthy grafts on the recipient site that has been initially discussed with the patient as his/her concern. The direction of the newly transplanted hair is designed to follow the native hair direction. In addition, the hair density varied by gender, original hairstyle, and treatment area must be considered and taken into account. Most importantly, the surgeon will carefully implant each graft on the scalp at the proper depth because it affects and increases the survival rate of newly transplanted hair grafts, up to 98 percent.

For patients experiencing thinning hair, “Transplantation along the hairline” technique will be utilized. This technique focuses on blending in with the existing hairline naturally and indistinguishably. The direction of the original hairline as well as the degree of each hair is what the surgeon will highly pay attention to.
Hair transplantation with Implanter 0.6 mm
With a very small instrument, only 0.6 millimeters, the wound caused by transplantation procedure is smaller with less bleeding, no swelling, small scabs or no scabs at all. Therefore, our patients are satisfied with the treatment as it causes no suffering pain, and no recovery needed. Patients can return to work and resume normal activities right after the treatment (you can wash your hair the following day). Moreover, the patient will be given more attractive facial proportions and younger looks.

The transplanted hair will gradually grow continuously. On the first day after the procedure, you will notice hair stubble and small scabs. Typically, the hair will grow about 2-4 millimeters on the 10th day. After 2 - 12 weeks the new hair will fall out, deemed as normal life cycle of hair. In the 4th – 6th month after transplantation procedure, the hair will begin to regenerate and grow stronger continuously. Keep increasing until the 9th month, you will notice the satisfactory hair density. Eventually, about 12 - 18 months after the successful hair transplantation procedure, you will experience the perfect natural-looking hair.

This is Namnin’s CARE delivered through the advanced hair transplantation techniques and expert medical teacher. We are determined to create the different value and satisfactory results beyond expectation. Guaranteed by clients of all genders and ages who successfully transformed themselves into a new person.

NEAT for New