Standard FUE Technique
Hair Transplantation with Micrograft technique
Micrograft FUE is another hair transplant technique offered by Namnin. Micrograft FUE is invented for a more effective and natural result.
Micrograft FUE is another precise and effective mean of hair transplantation i.e. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). To carry out Micrograft FUE procedure, a small instrument will be used for graft excision process (typically the healthy grafts are taken from the back of the head). The surgeon, then, implants healthy grafts on a thinning, falling-out, or balding area. With this technique, the new hair will grow normally and naturally for the entire life cycle of hair.
Standard FUE Technique
Designing Hair Direction
‘Graft’ refers to hair-bearing skin removed from the scalp. Varied by each individual, each graft contains 1 to 4 hairs.
Assessing and Determining the recipient area (transplanted area)
Micrograft FUE hair transplantation procedure starts from assessing the recipient area. The surgeon draws and measures the area of the desired hairline (recipient area) as discussed with the patient. Then the particular number of grafts will be estimated, considering the condition of each patient. Generally, the hair transplant density is around 55-60 grafts per square centimeter.
Removing hair follicles in a “stepped” manner
The hair follicle implantation procedure can now begin. The donor area(s) will then be injected with local anesthetic. Then the hair follicles will be removed (shaving is not needed) commonly from the lower back portion of the head because it is the area where the hair follicles are naturally strong and most resistant to fall-out.
Extracting hair follicles
The medical assistants will perform the microscopic hair follicle examination to extract individual hair follicles from each single hair. The integrity of hair follicle in each graft is the essential factor to be concerned.  Therefore, hair follicles removed will be soaked in the holding solution, having appropriate pH and nutrients, to preserve the quality of hair follicles while they are outside the patient’s body to be prepared for the next step of hair transplantation.
Hair transplantation with meticulous expertise
Next, the recipient area(s) will be injected with local anesthetic. 
The surgeon uses the implanter needle to make a hole appropriately. Then hair grafts will be implanted on the recipient area at the proper depth. Micrografting also helps in creating the natural hair direction, blending in with the existing native hair. Once completed, the medical assistant, then, clean and cover the wound, and provide the patient a hood to protect the newly transplanted area. The patient can gently wash his/her hair the next morning. After the procedure is completed, the follow-up visit to check up on the transplantation results will be scheduled (additional hair treatments will be given to stimulate hair growth and prevent potential fall-out).