Tag : FUE Hair tranplant
Hair transplantation, quick start, better results
What many people haven’t known is “Hair transplantation utilizes only the hair from your own body due to compatibility issues”. This is why you should consult a doctor immediately when you first see a sign of hair loss or thinning hair. If such hair problem is neglected, it will become more severe or widespread unavoidably. Eventually the hair transplantation becomes even more difficult or almost impossible. Based on our accumulated experience, we have found that for the patients with hair loss receding from the forehead to the middle of the head, implanting the most falling-out resistant hair grafts taken from the lower back portion of the head (occipital area) may not fill in the entire problem area completely. This is the due to the limitation of each patient’s original hair. If you are facing hair loss and thinning hair and are seeking the most effective remedy, consulting a doctor is recommended so that the root cause will be analyzed and the suitable and preferable treatment will be advised in a timely manner.

At Namnin Clinic, we are well realize the importance of "Hair", which is more than just a small part of the body because it can reflect the personality and identity of its owner. Hair transplantation is deemed a combination of a "science" and an "art" that must rely on the practical principles for the most effective results, safety and comfort. Hair transplantation should not affect the daily life of a service recipient. In addition, the naturally beautiful result is another essential matter to be taken in account. The doctor will evaluate and provide the treatment that is right for each patient, considering the concerns of the service recipients first. After assessment, the doctor will clearly and frankly explain about the treatment process and the possibility so that the service recipients make their own decision themselves without any guidance or force. Every treatment process is performed by our expert doctor. 

At Namnin, we have utilized N/E/A/T hair transplantation techniques which are uniquely outstanding in many aspects, e.g. designing the hairline mutually by the doctor and the patient for the best facial frame, hiding the wound to be invisible, implanting the hair follicles using a tiny instrument, 0.60 mm implanter; zero-pain treatment, and quick recovery. What you could expect is your new dense hair naturally blending in with the original one. Every step is performed with care and great attention from our specialists and surgeons.

If you are seeking an effective and reliable solution for your hair loss and thinning hair, we highly recommend you to consult an expert doctor to figure out the root causes and give the best treatment right for you. Don't let it become your chronic problems that destroy your self-confidence. Choose to change and transform yourself into a new person with a better personality on your own.