Tag : Hair Transplant by doctor
Q&A: Hair Transplants for Ages 45 and Up
Today, hair transplantation is a powerful solution for restoring hair density and rejuvenating your look, especially for those aged 45 and up. For many, maintaining a vibrant appearance is crucial for advancing their careers, building confidence in social settings, or simply enjoying the satisfaction of a fresh, youthful reflection. If you have doubts or concerns about the procedure, rest assured that Namnin has compiled all the answers you need to make an informed decision and embrace the benefits of a renewed, confident you.

Does a hair transplant really require surgery?

If you had asked this question decades ago, the answer might have been "Yes." But today, hair transplant techniques have advanced to the point where surgery and shaving are no longer necessary. Using a specialized small tool, doctors can extract hair grafts from the lower back of the head (also known as “Safe Donor Area”, and implant them into areas of hair loss or thinning hair, leaving only a minimal scar.

Will my hair transplant last a lifetime?

In principle, a hair transplant is a lasting solution. The transplanted hair is designed to remain permanent, naturally shedding and regrowing throughout your life. This is because the doctor strategically selects hair grafts from the nape of the neck (occipital area), an area known for its resistance to hair loss, ensuring that both the hair and its roots are securely transplanted for enduring results.

Most importantly, the doctor will take great care and precision during the hair transplant process to ensure optimal results. The grafts will be carefully spaced to prevent overcrowding, which can lead to hair loss, and will be inserted at the perfect depth to ensure that the hair roots receive full nourishment. This meticulous approach is crucial for helping the new hair grafts thrive and last long-term.

Can I still get a hair transplant if my hair loss is severe?"

For this question, it's strongly recommended to consult with a doctor in person. A specialist with extensive experience in treating various cases can design a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. If your hair loss is severe and only a few hair grafts remain at the nape of your neck, the doctor will carefully calculate the available grafts and strategically plan the transplantation. This approach ensures that the grafts are distributed effectively across problem areas or concentrated on the specific spots that concern you most. Additionally, the doctor may recommend various treatments and products to help restore your hair to its fullest thickness and natural color. Consulting with a professional is the best way to achieve optimal results.

Does Hair Transplantation Hurt? Side Effects and Bleeding Concerns!

Patients who’ve been through the hair transplant at Namnin Clinic often say they felt little to no pain during their hair transplants. This is because doctors use advanced techniques to minimize discomfort, reduce swelling, and ensure that wounds are small with minimal bleeding. Even elderly patients can feel confident, knowing that this procedure is highly safe and effective for hair restoration.

Can older adults handle a hair transplant procedure lasting several hours?

Namnin’s procedure room is thoughtfully designed to ensure your comfort and safety during the several-hour hair transplant procedure. With a focus on your well-being, our space allows you to stay relaxed and secure. Our skilled doctors and dedicated staff are always available to closely monitor your progress and provide detailed information, addressing any concerns you may have to make the experience as smooth and reassuring as possible.

Hair Transplant Recovery: How Long Will It Take?

With Namnin's state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques, many patients experience minimal recovery time and can resume their activities almost immediately. For elderly patients, our doctors provide personalized recovery advice to ensure maximum safety and comfort.

Worried that a hair transplant might make me look unnaturally young!

Typically, hair transplantation enhances facial proportion and appearance, often making patients look younger and more refined. However, some patients worry about looking unrealistically young or unnatural. Our doctor understands these concerns and prioritizes achieving natural, age-appropriate results. From the start, the doctor works with you to design a front hairline that complements your facial proportion, ensuring a balanced and naturally attractive outcome.

How difficult is it to care for oneself after a hair transplant?

There's almost nothing to worry about, as the doctor will provide comprehensive advice on post-procedure care, including recommended cleaning and nourishing products. This ensures that you can easily manage your care at home without complications. Additionally, the doctor will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. You can ask questions at any time, giving you peace of mind that you'll receive excellent care throughout the entire year until your new hair fully grows in.

Why should I consider a hair transplant if people around me say I’m too old?"

To address this concern, I’d like to share insights from many patients aged 45 and older. They all agree that age should not be a barrier to considering a hair transplant. We still have many decades ahead, and if a hair transplant can enhance our happiness, restore our confidence in social and professional settings, reduce stress and anxiety, and save time previously spent hiding hair issues, it’s worth considering. Improved mental health from feeling better about our appearance also positively impacts our relationships with family. Most importantly, a hair transplant can lead to greater self-satisfaction and pride.

If we consider these benefits as "Value for Money," then a hair transplant is clearly the right choice.

Targeted Hair Growth Solutions for Thinning Hair
The NEAT hair transplant technique, developed by Dr. Nin : Dr. Nin Namthongton Hair Transplant Doctor at  Namnin Clinic, has changed the traditional perception of hair transplantation after transplants eliminating the need for bandaging, recovery time, and complicated self-care. The NEAT technique makes hair transplantation more accessible, offering both beauty and convenience to every patient.

The heart of NEAT is a hair transplantation technique using a tiny 0.6 millimeter implanter. This results in very small wounds after the transplant, with minimal bleeding, almost no bruising or swelling, and barely any scabbing. It caters to a lifestyle that doesn't require long recovery periods and doesn't affect one's appearance even immediately after the transplant. Allowing patients to leave home and carry out their daily routines as usual.

Another crucial element, beyond the technique for successful hair transplantation, is the experience, precision, and attention to every detail of the "hair transplant physician." Dr. Nin personally implants every hair graft herself. All patients confirm that the doctor works as part of their team from day one - listening to their problems, assessing their expectations, creating correct understanding, designing the treatment, personally performing the hair transplant, and providing continuous post-transplant care. This ensures that NEAT can deliver new hair that perfectly restores the patient's appearance and confidence.

Ms. Ying Thitikan, who is a singer and actress, was one of those who felt that "thinning hair" was becoming a problem, starting to affect her work and daily life. She didn't hesitate and quickly sought a solution that was both suitable and satisfying for her as soon as possible.

Based on her own research and seeing many of her artist friends undergo the NEAT hair transplant technique by Dr. Nin, which turned out not to be as scary as she had thought. After the hair transplant, there were no wounds, no recovery period was needed, and normal activities could be resumed immediately. The results were excellent and looked very natural. When Ms. Nuch Wilawan introduced her to Dr. Nin, Ms. Ying did not hesitate to consult with the doctor about her own concerns right away.

After meeting with the doctor and having her hair thinning problem assessed, Dr. Nin praised Ms. Ying for her fast decision to consult a doctor, as her hair thinning was still minimal. This meant that not many grafts were needed for the transplant, making it an ideal time for the transplant. Dr. Nin recommended the NEAT technique as the most precise solution to her problem, exactly what Ms. Ying was looking for. “Dr. Nin recommended the NEAT technique, which is his own specialized technique. The doctor personally implants each graft. He oversees every step of the process himself. I would say it's not as scary as one might think. The doctor has a very gentle touch," Ms. Ying explained.

Because of Dr. Nin's meticulous care and unique technique in NEAT hair transplantation, even those close to Ms. Ying didn't notice any changes or abnormalities after the procedure. Because Ms. Ying was able to go on vacations, work, sing, and live her life normally in every way. The only thing that changed was her enhanced beauty.

From the first day of her hair transplant until today, a year later, Ms. Ying feels even more comfortable and happier than before. This is due to Dr. Nin's close post-transplant care. At every follow-up appointment after the transplant, Dr. Nin personally evaluates and monitors the treatment progress. If there are any doubts or concerns, patients can consult with the doctor directly during these appointments. This has made the 1 year following the transplant a reassuring, comfortable, and impressive experience for all patients.

"I'd like to say that I'm so happy that today I no longer need to use hair shadow. We just need to take care of and nourish our hair, take vitamins as recommended by the doctor, so that our transplanted hair will have strong roots and stay with us for a long time. That's all. It's a simple method that the doctor recommends."

NEAT is a cutting-edge, easy-to-understand hair transplant method intelligently designed to address all types of hair loss. It offers a fresh, innovative approach to hair restoration that you can experience at "Namnin" Discover how NEAT can transform your hair and boost your confidence with a solution that's both simple and effective.

Hair transplant for the sake of your heart at age 50+
With years of experience and expertise in caring for patients of all ages, from those in their 20s to those in their 70s and 80s, Namnin fully understands that "Hair" is equally meaningful to people of all ages, especially the elderly or those reaching the age of 50.

These days, there are far fewer older people who settle on to live at home, when compared to the past. We always see energetic, outgoing, socially engaged people in their 50s and over, who are meeting friends and family and engaging in a variety of activities. Many people still hold key roles. People over 50 love to enjoy life to the fullest and have a high regard for themselves. Thus, the saying, "Why do you need to take care of yourself to look good as you get older", is no longer applicable to today's senior citizens.

That prompted Namnin to take part in changing and improving the appearance and personality. The science and technique of hair transplantation have restored the confidence of many people over the age of 50. In this part, we would like to share feedback gathered from elderly patients and restate the benefits of hair transplants for elderly people.
  • Fill in thinning area and restore density.
  • The new hair appears to be natural and age-appropriate. 
  • The new hair appears to be natural and age-appropriate. 
  • Helps to reverse the signs of aging, making you appear younger and sharper. 
  • Change your personality to enhance your credibility. 
  • Reduce your concern about styling your hair to mask hair issues. 
  • Spend less time dressing and styling your hair in front of the mirror (since you look amazing without doing anything). 
  • Restore your confidence and pride when meeting people outside. 
  • Compliments from coworkers, friends, and family. 
  • Better mental health. This leads to healthy family ties. 
  • It is a smart investment because we still have several decades to enjoy our newly growing hair.

Namnin's 50+ patients all confirm that they made the right choice when selecting to obtain hair transplant services from Namnin Clinic to solve the hair problem that many individuals have been experiencing for ten years. Of course, it's not just the end results that make hair transplantation one of the best options for people of all ages, but it conveys the treatment direction under the attentive supervision of competent specialists who deliver a lasting impression for each patient.

The treatment approach we are talking about is the NEAT (Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant procedure) hair transplant procedure, which Dr. Nil (Dr. Nil Namthongton) developed to satisfy the needs of treatment efficiency and patient convenience even more.

The NEAT hair transplantation procedure gets started with the patient's first meeting with their doctor. The doctor pays close attention to the patient's difficulties and needs. Then, work together with each patient to create treatment guidelines that are tailored to the patient's needs. An assessment of the area of implantation will be conducted, along with a calculation of the amount of hair graft that must be removed from the Safe Donor Area and implanted in the problem area in order to maximize its worth. The doctor will also, explain the steps involved in treatment so that you get a clear image, and understand how the results and possibilities will be.

When the day of the hair transplant procedure arrives, Dr. Nin will implant every hair graft herself, strand by strand, utilizing various techniques to keep the patient relaxed and free of discomfort, swelling, or bruising. Dr. Nin selects standardized hair transplant equipment as well as tools that enable the doctor to precisely monitor the patient's condition throughout the entire procedure.

In addition, Dr. Nin oversees the outcomes at every turn and offers advice for a full year following the hair transplant. It is further enhanced with a variety of products and treatments meant to help new hair survive, grow strong, and restore confidence for patients aged 50+ in all life matters.

Last but not least, the doctor advises patients who are approaching the elderly stage and may be hesitant of undergoing a hair transplant to seek consultation to create a treatment plan as soon as possible, while the hair is still healthy. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the results.

“Thinning Hair” Solve problems in a unique way
Previously, men were associated with hair loss and thinning hair treatments. However, an increasing number of women—from young professionals to the elderly—are seeking the opinion of skilled medical professionals about their thinning hair difficulties. However, there is no one-size-fits-all thinning hair treatment solution. Men and women have different hair thinning patterns and causes, as well as hair concerns. As a result, a hair expert is critical for diagnosing and establishing a personalized treatment plan that addresses the patient's hair issues as quickly as possible.

Here are some basic treatment tips from Dr. Nin, a hair transplant specialist at Nam Nin Clinic, to help women realize that there are options for managing different types of thinning hair.

Thinning hair all over the head
The doctor does not recommend hair transplantation for women with thinning hair in the forehead, middle of the head, or back of the head because it involves removing hair grafts from the Safe Donor Area, located at the back of the head, and implanting them in the problem area. Unlike men, women do not have a Safe Donor Area. That is, some women have very little anti-shedding hair, while others have none at all. The thinning of hair on the back of the head, in particular, shows that the hair in that area is fragile and thin. It is therefore not advisable to remove it and implant it in another region because there is a high risk that the hair graft may also fall out. Furthermore, as no new hair will grow in the area where the hair graft was removed, the lower back of the head will appear even thinner.

However, take it easy. The physician will evaluate each patient individually and design the best strategy for treatment. If the scalp's hair follicles remain open and the hair is little, thin, and weak, the doctor may recommend taking medicine, applying hair serum, consuming vitamins, or injecting Premium Hair Booster Treatment. However, if the hair follicles have already closed or you have gone bald, Premium Hair Booster Treatment is unlikely to help.

Thinning hair only in the middle of the head
If you have thinning hair in the middle of your head, including a wide parting, but your hair at the back of the head is strong, your doctor may suggest a treatment plan that includes medicine, serum, or vitamins, such as Premium Hair Booster Injection Treatment. Hair transplantation, on the other hand, is one of the last options because the doctor will prioritize the patient's hair condition.

Receding hairline on the forehead.
When hair is thinning just on the forehead and hair in other regions is not falling out or causing thinning hair symptoms, the doctor may recommend a hair transplant to reframe facial proportions relying on Golden Ratio principles. Then, boost the effectiveness by using serum, consuming vitamins, or using Premium Hair Booster Injection Treatment, which can be provided on a regular basis under the supervision of a medical professional.

Undoubtedly, the most important part is the physician's ability to assess each patient's condition individually and develop a preliminary plan of care that may or may not include a hair transplant. To improve efficiency, continuous, regular monitoring of the findings is required. Patients who return to Dr. Nin for treatment and hair care because they are delighted with the results and appreciate her honest, straightforward approach ensure all of this.

Appointments can be made through the following channels if you would like to consult with Dr. Nin:
Line@ : namninclinic
โทร. 093-093-5639
Gray hair after hair transplant
Do you have to worry about gray hair after a hair transplant?

Before answering this question, let's first understand the occurrence of gray hair after a hair transplant. "Gray hair" is caused by an abnormality in the functioning of melanocyte cells that produce the melanin pigment in the hair and makes the hair naturally dark. When melanocytes don't work properly or stop producing melanin or pigment, gray or white hair happens.

In the hair transplant process, there are some steps that cause small wounds on the scalp, such as excision, and removal of hair grafts. This may cause oxidative stress cells on the scalp, including melanocyte death. This oxidative stress in cells that makes pigment dysfunction causes some patients experience gray hair in the donor area or the nearby area.

Regarding NEAT hair transplant technique, Dr. Nin will be the one who plans and supervises every process including selecting the appropriate equipment and supervising the multidisciplinary team. At Namnin, a special tiny and adjustable equipment is used, to suit the different sizes of hair grafts of each patient. In addition, Dr. Nin closely supervise the multidisciplinary team to ensure that they perform the procedure meticulously in order to prevent and minimize damage to the scalp. When the patient is not stressed, the cells are not stressed as well.

Gray hair after a hair transplant is a temporary condition. That is, when the dermis recovers and the cells resume functional, the hair will return to its original dark color. However, the symptoms, severity and characteristic of gray hair after a hair transplant will vary from person to person and cannot be predicted. 

Dr. Nin truly understands the feelings of anxiety caused by a lack of information, expectations, and unpredictable conditions that each patient may encounter after a hair transplant. She is therefore the one who monitors the results of the treatment herself. If you have any questions or concerns, you can consult us at any time. This is to make 1-year period after hair transplant a time of peace of mind, comfort, and impressiveness.

Get back to the question, “Do you have to worry about gray hair after a hair transplant?”. If every step of a hair transplant is performed carefully, correctly and meticulously, with good follow-up care, gray hair is not something to worry about.” However, please note that even though the hair transplant is completed within a day, the final outcome depends on post-operative care, professional follow-up, and close consultation after the hair transplant.

We are confident that at Namnin, besides taking care of your hair with true understanding, "Namnin" also takes care of the patient’s mind so that the new hair will be as planned and desired.

“Get a hair transplant” that meets your desire
Hair transplantation is different from other surgeries in that it cannot be repeated or modified as you like at any time. In addition, with a natural limitation, a hair transplant procedure requires the patient’s own hair with the special properties, located on the Safe Donor Area (the occipital area). Please note that this special hair is a nonrenewable source. Therefore, making a decision on a hair transplant is very cautious. Especially, as these days, there are plenty of advertisements of hair transplant techniques, to make a decision becomes even more difficult.

If you want to get a hair transplant which gives you the "hair" as expected, how should you choose? You must first understand that every step of "hair transplant" is crucial and affects the hair growth. You should study all information thoroughly before making a decision. To make it easier, we have gathered the considerations in this section.

Person who performs hair transplant procedures
From the first day you receive the service until the last day you get completely new hair, there is one important factor that will give patients the most confidence, that is, a “hair transplant surgeon” who works with you as a team from day one. A good hair transplant surgeon should professionally listen to patient’s voice, evaluate expectations and limitations, provide correct understanding, design a treatment path, perform implantation himself/herself, and provide post-op care continuously.

Expertise of the doctor and multidisciplinary team
Every step of hair transplantation affects the growth of new hair. This includes removal and implantation of hair follicles with reliable equipment, considering the size of each hair graft that varies from person to person. Expertise is a necessity because each hair graft is precious and means a lot to a hair transplant procedure.

Hair Grafts Removal Process
The process of removing hair graft takes approximately 3-6 hours. Dr. Nin will plan and supervise every step and process meticulously, starting from selecting the appropriate equipment, and supervising a multidisciplinary team closely at all times.  After removing the hair grafts, they must be soaked in preservation solution immediately to maintain the best condition and special properties before implantation. If this process is not controlled well enough, the hair graft may be damaged or inactive which is a major cause of hair transplantation failure.

Every single graft is implanted by the doctor
During NEAT hair transplant procedure, the doctor will implant each graft herself to ensure that every graft will grow as planned. In this step, the doctor needs to rely on both science and art to insert each hair strand in the appropriate position, at a proper depth suitable for new hair growth. During the implanting step, the density, direction, and orientation of the hair must be taken into account in order to obtain the most natural-looking results.

Hair Transplant Aftercare
In addition to the day the hair transplant procedure is performed, another factor that is often overlooked when deciding to have a hair transplant is Hair Transplant Aftercare. We recommend that those receiving a hair transplant service should receive proper and appropriate advice from the doctor throughout the period of one year after undergoing a procedure because there are various conditions that may be encountered such as shock loss. Alternatively, receiving appropriate treatments is recommended

After Hair Transplant Care Set
At Namnin, once the hair transplant procedure is completed, the patients will receive specially selected After Hair Transplant Products so that they can use daily at home safely and comfortably.

Follow-up Care and Monitoring
For a follow-up after hair transplant surgery, Dr. Nin will personally evaluate and follow-up on the treatment. If you have any questions or concerns, you could consult her on the appointment day. This will make one-year period after undergoing a hair transplant procedure a time of peace of mind. Comfort and satisfaction guaranteed!

Are Hair Transplants worth it?
For those who have chosen hair transplantation as a permanent solution to the problem of hair loss and thinning hair and those who are about to decide which hair transplant clinic to receive a service from, one of the most important factors is the "price". These days, there are many different prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, to get a hair transplant surgery. The question is, do those prices reflect the effectiveness of hair transplants? Does paying more really mean more success?

In fact, the price seen may not be a complete indicator of 100% result of a hair transplant because marketing expenses are often added. What is more important than "price" is " worthiness”.

At this point, you may be wondering what you have to consider. Namnin therefore have made a checklist to assess if it is worth paying for a hair transplant surgery so that you can make a right decision carefully and worthily with complete information in hand.

Survey the opinions of customers who have already used services

Start by reading the reviews of hair transplantation services from real patients to see what feedback has been shared about their treatment experiences. Did the results really help solve their problem of hair loss and thinning hair? You may study the information given by doctors of each clinic to well know about different ways of giving advice. This is to initially assess the reliability in order to seek an opportunity to get a treatment that best suits your needs.

Who's Qualified to Perform a Hair Transplant Procedure?

This is a question that sometimes may be overlooked. But actually, this is one of the most important questions to be answered. The person who will perform the hair transplant procedure is not only a doctor possessing expertise in hair transplantation. A multidisciplinary team comprising skilled personnel is considered as the indispensable supporter. The level of qualifications, skills, and experiences required depend on the technique and treatment approach that the patient has chosen. Once we know who will perform the hair transplant for us, it will be easier to determine the worthiness of the price paid.

Talking with a doctor in person

Is the information or images seen on the internet true? It's time to prove it by stepping in to talk with a doctor at a hair transplant clinic. Let's see what your perception will be.

  • How much knowledge do doctors have and how do they convey that knowledge?
  • How well do doctors listen to and understand your problems and needs, which will lead to designing a treatment strategy together to best meet the patient's needs?
  • Is the doctor’s analysis personalized? As each patient has different and unique problems, a universal treatment does not exist.
  • Is the doctor sincere in giving advice based on reality? For example, in case where the hair problem is so severe that the hair cannot be implanted to restore its full density, how does the doctor tell us about that and suggest a solution?
  • Does the doctor have any interesting techniques for hair transplantation? How does it help us be more comfortable?
  • How reliable is the hair transplant procedure the doctor explained to you?

All of this will help us reduce anxiety in undergoing a hair transplant surgery and make it easier to choose the right clinic.

Standardized place & equipment

Be sure to check the cleanliness, and standardization of medical equipment as well as places where the hair transplant procedure is performed, to avoid the risk of infection. The equipment the doctor has chosen, that are instruments used for removing and implanting hair grafts and preserving solution, should be reliable and designed with modern technology. The doctor's adequate attention and meticulousness can be seen during removing hair grafts, preparing hair follicles, and implanting each hair graft. These are what Namnin recommended to observe.

Does the clinic help you get prepared for a Hair Transplant Surgery?

The worthiness of hair transplant services is not only measured by the end results but it can be noticed from the beginning of the treatment journey like the process of preparation. Imagine how nervous the patients would be about getting their first hair transplant surgery! However, if they choose a clinic and a doctor who can help them get "prepared" well, they will be free from worry.

A good clinic should be able to help you prepare in many matters. For example, the good clinic should explain about the hair transplant procedure in an easy-to-understand way that gives an overall picture of the entire process; give advice on DOs and DON'Ts such as food and medicine, things that should be avoided before the day of hair transplant, proper exercise, sleep, and clothing that should be worn on hair transplant day for convenience.

The day of hair transplant surgery...One day that will change you into a new person

The day of hair transplant surgery is a crucial day that you should study information and prepare in advance. This is because there are many factors that will help you more clearly assess the worthiness of hair transplants, for example, the treatment methods chosen by doctors and techniques designed to eliminate patient pain points which make the patients feel more comfortable such as wound-hiding hair removal, a technique to hide the wound occurred after hair transplant.

In addition, other factors you should consider include professional attention provided by the medical team and personnel, comfort and convenience in receiving services, and side effects such as pain, swelling, and bruising. A good medical team is the one that will help you feel at ease and rest assured throughout the treatment process.

One-year treatment path

Hair transplantation does not end on the day of the surgery. The journey must continue for another full year after that. As newly implanted hair needs time to gradually grow according to its natural cycle, it is therefore important to choose a hair transplant clinic that will not abandon the patient. A good clinic must look after patients; follow up on the results; give useful advice on recovery practice, selection of haircare product; as well as recommend treatment services, for reducing the risk of hair loss and increasing the survival rate. Moreover, a good hair transplant clinic should allow patients to consult and ask questions at any time, which is considered as a part of worthiness in terms of "time" and "attention" as well.

New hair, the outcome that satisfies you

  • Short-term and long-term outcome is a key indicator of the worthiness of investing in your hair transplant. Matters you should bear in mind are:
  • After undergoing a hair transplant surgery, your problem of thinning hair is solved and your hair looks denser.
  • The direction of the newly grown hair blends in with the original hair naturally, not grow in the wrong direction.
  • should be smooth with natural look and creates the brighter face framing 
  • For hair implanted on the top of the head (the crown), it should grow in the same direction with the original hair. 
  • The density of the newly grown hair should be appropriate, not too few grafts but not too many until the hair fall out easily.
  • The survival rate of newly grown hair is high and the hair doesn’t fall out abnormally.
  • The new hair is properly designed to suit the patient's gender, age, and needs.

This is a checklist that hair lovers should not overlook in order to evaluate the worthiness of hair transplant to be chosen. Please note that there is no right or wrong in hair transplant pricing. It all depends on whether or not the investment delivers the results that meet your expectation. 

As this hair transplant may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you, choose the right one...

One day with NEAT Technique
If you are one of those who are experiencing the problem of hair loss, thinning hair or M-shaped hairline, "Namnin" asks for just one day of your valuable time to solve these problems with hair transplant using the NEAT technique.

NEAT changes an image of scary traditional hair transplantation that involve wrapping a cloth around the head, long recovery period and complicated self-care to a comfortable and convenient procedure.

The development of NEAT began with Dr. Nin’s idea. She desires to deliver the more meaning of hair transplantation, that is not just "the hair." NEAT Technique has been designed and developed on a basis of balanced combination of “Science and Art”, aiming to provide both beauty and convenience to our clients.

NEAT consists of various techniques. The first technique is called “stair-step removal”. A small device is used to delicately remove the hair follicles without shaving and wound left. With this technique, patients can resume their daily lives immediately after the hair transplant operation without any recovery time.

The next technique, the heart of the NEAT technique, is the use of 0.6 mm implanter pen. With this tiny device, it leaves small wounds, causes some amount of bleeding, swelling and bruising, no scab or very small scabs. Patients therefore are away from pain, long-recovery time, or taking a day off. You can live your live as usual without anything to worry about.  

Besides the unique techniques, Dr. Nin's experience, meticulousness and attention is what makes us outstanding. Every single hair graft is implanted only by Dr. Nin no matter how many hours it takes to complete the entire operation. This is to make one day at “Namnin” your special day. NEAT will hand you the new hair that recalls your confidence and attractiveness in the most perfect way.

When a hair transplant is no longer difficult, suffering or a waste of time in life, please do not let your hair loss and thinning hair destroy your confidence anymore. Just open your heart and let NEAT help you regenerate "new hair" and transform yourself to become a new person who looks better than ever. Be ready for opportunities that will come into your life!
Ten hours of care and attention from the doctor for the new you
This is a ten-hour period that…. 
...some people have taken years in searching for information before making a decision;
…some people have called it an important investment, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity;
…many people look forward to being transformed themselves into a new person after this ten-hour period is completed.

That’s the reason why Dr. Nin of Namnin Clinic always dedicates and pays attention to this 10-hour period of hair transplant procedure for each of our patients. You may be curious why it takes up to ten consecutive hours. That’s because hair transplantation is a complex and delicate process that requires both medical science and artistic perspective. In addition, hair transplantation involves working with very small hairs that needs high level of carefulness and meticulousness

Therefore, hair transplantation is not a task that anyone can do. At Namnin, only the true doctors with expertise and experience can perform this delicate task. This is the ten hours of work that the medical team has to perform to transform you into a new person as you desire.

Planning a treatment together
30-40 minutes

Dr. Nin begins the process by discussing with the patient to know and understand his/her concerns, needs and expectation well enough. Then the hair problem analysis will be performed for further designing a personalized treatment on the basis of patient-centered principle. As each patient comes to us with different problems and causes, those differences need to be understood and clarified. Some patients have just been noticing a sign of thinning hair. Some have been worried about almost bald head. Some have insufficient hair at the Safe Donor Area, that is, the lower back of the head.

In this stage, Dr. Nin will evaluate the area to be implanted transplanted in order to calculate if there are enough hair grafts at the Safe Donor Area. In case of insufficiency, Dr. Nin will decide how to solve the problem, this is to say, averaged-dense implantation or specific selecting the most in-demand area.

In addition, Dr. Nin also draws a new frontal hairline on the forehead to adjust the facial proportion in line with the patient needs, using the Golden Ratio principle. Therefore, you can rest assured that the treatment has been mutually planned by the doctor and the patient.

Preparing the Donor Area at the occipital area
20-30 minutes

As the hair grafts have to be removed from the Safe Donor Area at the lower back of the head, that is, the area with DHT-resistant hair, the good preparation is one of the crucial steps that should not be overlooked. Start by cutting hair using a stair-step removal technique to avoid any concern that may arise after undergoing a hair transplant. This stair-step technique was developed for delivering the most comfortable and convenient experience. 

Removing hair grafts from the donor area
3-6 hours

In the process of removing hair grafts from the occipital area, Dr. Nin carefully plans the use of various instruments such as an implanter pen, so that the least number of wounds will be left on the scalp.

To remove hair grafts, Namnin's multidisciplinary team, which has been intensively trained by Dr. Nin, will be the one who perform this important task under Dr. Nin's close supervision.

The removed hair grafts must be soaked in preservation solution immediately to maintain the natural properties before proceeding to the next step of graft selection and trimming. This is because each problem area requires different size of hair. For example, the frontal hairline requires hair grafts comprising small and thin hair strands, only one hair strand per graft. For the top of the head, larger hair strands are required, 3 - 4 hair strands per graft. Selecting and trimming the hair grafts is another key step that reflects the delicacy of Dr. Nin's hair transplant operation.

After the hair graft removal process, it’s the time for having a meal or a snack. Let your body recharge for 30 - 45 minutes so that it will be ready for the next step of hair transplantation procedure.

Strand-by-strand hair transplantation by a doctor
3-6 hours

Finally, it's time to implant carefully-prepared hair grafts into the scalp. Although there are thousands of hair grafts waiting to be punched, but all of them will be meticulously implanted by Dr. Nin alone. For the most satisfactory result, the following various factors affecting the survival of newly implanted hair graft will be taken into account:

  • The direction and orientation of each follicular unit must be focused so that the newly grown hair will be blended in with the original hair. One thing to keep in mind is that it usually takes several months to see the final outcome. When that time comes and your new hair has grown in the wrong direction, it cannot be fixed easily or it can be said that it cannot be fixed anymore. That’s why the direction and orientation of hair needs the special attention.

  • Depth of implantation: If hair grafts are implanted at a shallow depth, they may fail to survive. Ultimately, proper depth control is the key factor for graft survival because if influences the nutrient delivery. 

  • Density of implantation: The hair grafts must be implanted at the right density. Too few hair grafts will not solve the problem. Too many hair grafts will cause the risk of the hair graft falling out.

At Namnin, we have used an imported state-of-the-art device, that is the 0.6 mm Implanter Pen. This technology allows hair transplantation to be done with more precision. It leaves small wounds with little bleeding, decreased swelling and bruising. With these advantages, patients can generally resume their normal daily routine almost immediately.

The actual time required for each case may vary with the problem complexity and the number of hair grafts used. There's no need to worry because the entire process will be under close supervision of Dr. Nin.