Tag : NEAT
New Hair by NEAT Technique
What, specifically, makes the name "Namnin" unique and well-liked in the hair transplant community? The "NEAT technique" for hair transplantation, which was created by "Dr. Nin - Dr. Nil Namthongton" and eventually became Namnin's Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, is the obvious answer. The intention is to advance Dr. Nin's constantly hair restoration techniques so that patients can have the most upscale hair transplant experience possible.

The Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, also known as the NEAT technique, is a highly advanced hair transplant method that originated from Dr. Nin's meticulous attention to every detail in merging science and art to effectively manage hair-related problems. Every letter has a hidden meaning that represents expertise in a unique way.

N – Namnin
The letter N denotes Dr. Nin, a genuine expert physician who oversees every aspect of the hair transplant procedure. This includes diagnosing the problem, creating treatment plans, implanting each hair graft solely herself, caring for it, and monitoring it closely for 18 months until the implanted hair grows strongly.

E – Exclusive
The letter E signifies an approach to constructing "individualized" treatment, as we fully understand that each patient has a unique combination of challenges. Furthermore, gender, age, conditions, desires, and needs vary. As a result, a different treatment technique needs to be developed for each of the patients. There is no universal solution for solving every problem as simply as feasible.

A – Advanced
The hair transplantation quality that is safe and meets international standards is reflected in the letter A. This attribute is the fruit of Dr. Nin's skills and experience, as well as her meticulousness and attention in each step of the treatment procedure to dismiss patient concerns and boost patient confidence.

T - Technique
In order to address pain points and improve the suitability of hair transplant outcomes for patients, Dr. Nin has also created a number of treatments. For example, the method of gradually removing hair from the occipital region in order to conceal the wound. Shaving the hair is not necessary. Without needing to hide it, you can freely style your hair. To perform implantation, Dr. Nin will carry out herself. Along with selecting the right size and thickness of hair for each area, we also emphasize the need of building appropriate density and positioning the hair grafts in the same direction as the original hair. This helps patients not only prevent hair loss but also recover quickly, allowing them to resume routine way of life practically immediately. 

The science of hair transplantation is an essential and challenging subject for hair specialists. It differs from other types of surgery in that it requires hair only from the back of the patient's head, the so-called Safe Donor Area. Such hair is limited and may not have enough for another procedure in the future, especially in patients with fragile hair or severe hair loss, the more hair will be left. Because of the limited amount of hair in the Safe Donor Area, the physician needs to take extra care while planning how to use it. Never forget that each patient could only undergo one or two hair transplants in their lifetime.

Furthermore, hair transplantation involves numerous procedures that require meticulous attention and care, including the removal of the graft and implanting into the problem area. At Namnin, we have a staff of medical assistants who have received direct training and skills from Dr. Nin to ensure that all of our patients receive satisfactory treatment that adheres to medical principles.

Dr. Nin also underlines the need for long-term care after hair transplantation. That is, there will be follow-up and monitoring throughout the 18-month treatment journey to ensure the best possible outcome of newly grown hair. Dr. Nin is always inventing techniques, products and initiatives to improve treatment to better suit each patient's individual conditions.

Dr. Nin has expertise in hair care, rather than just hair transplants. In many circumstances, she needs to choose a more appropriate alternative for patients who are not suited for hair transplantation. For example, in female patients who suffer from thinning hair all over the head, including the front, middle, and the lower back of the head (occipital area). Women typically have fewer safe donor areas than men. Some women may have very little useable hair, while others may have none at all. If the hair on occipital area begins to fall out, it indicates that the hair in that location is fragile and thin, leaving it unsuitable for transplantation. If hair is taken from the occipital area and then implanted in another area, it may fall out again. The excised area of the occipital area will appear much thinner.

This is just one example of a patient's problem that has inspired Dr. Nin to invent and develop various aids to treat hair loss and thinning hair without relying on hair transplantation, that is, taking medicine, using serum, taking vitamins, as well as receiving a variety of treatment services, such as the latest treatment innovation that Dr. Nin developed, Premium Hair Booster Injection into the scalp.

With the help of Premium Hair Booster, limp, fine and thin hair can instantly become larger, thicker, and stronger by providing deep cellular nourishment. It can aid in generating hair more density and darkness. It also helps in slowing down the hair loss process, Moreover, it promotes and boosts the growth of new hair. For male patients who also require hair restoration, Dr. Nin combines the use of Premium Hair Booster.

Years of experience, care, and competence have been accumulated by Dr. Nin. Dr. Nin has been recently appointed as a special professor at Dhurakij Pundit University's Master of Aesthetic Medicine program, specifically in hair transplantation, which enables her to share her expertise to medical students. This is in line with Dr. Nin's goal to help Thailand's hair transplant industry expand and thrive so that it can compete internationally.