Tag : Widening Hair Part
Clarify All Questions Before Undergoing Hair Transplantation
Considering a Hair Transplant but “Worried About” the Results?

This should be a primary concern for anyone facing hair loss, thinning hair, or impending baldness. It's no surprise, as we all recognize how valuable our hair is, especially as we encounter the reality of increasing hair loss and visible thinning hair. We empathize with the anxiety and loss of confidence that comes with hair loss, and we truly understand the profound importance of maintaining a full head of hair.

Many people have successfully moved past their initial concerns and regained their confidence and positive image after a hair transplant. However, the question remains for many: Is a hair transplant truly effective? How should one begin the process?

From our experience advising Namnin’s patients, we've observed that many individuals hesitate about undergoing a hair transplant due to various fears and uncertainties. Some are concerned because of outdated perceptions of hair transplants, while others worry about not being able to predict their future results.

In this section, Namnin has gathered essential answers to help you overcome your fears and clear your worries. We want to ensure that everyone can confidently take the first step towards their hair transplant journey, achieving the desired results and transforming into a new person. Let us guide you to a future where you feel renewed and confident with your new hair.

Fear of Hair Transplant: Think Hair Transplants Require Surgery and Shaving? Think Again!

In the past, hair transplants meant scalp surgery and shaving the back of your head. Not anymore! Modern techniques, especially the advanced FUE method, have revolutionized hair transplants. Today’s leading doctors have perfected this FUE technique to offer you a convenient, comfortable hair transplant experience—leaving the worries of the past behind!

The FUE technique involves extracting and relocating hair grafts from the back of the head to areas with hair loss using a very small device that leaves virtually no scars. There's no need for a scalpel or shaving. Additionally, modern devices can be customized in size to fit the unique hair grafts of each person.

Worried Your Hair Won't Grow or Will Fall Out After a Transplant?

It's important to understand that hair transplantation relies crucially on the patient's own hair, specifically from the Safe Donor Area at the lower back of the head. This area is chosen because the hair there is resistant to the effects of the hormone DHT, which weakens hair roots and leads to premature hair loss.

When hair grafts are removed from the nape of the neck and implanted into other areas of the head, they retain their unique resilience due to the fact that both the hair and its roots are removed. This ensures that the newly implanted hair is robust, durable, and less likely to fall out. While it is normal for the hair to shed and regrow as part of its natural cycle, once fully integrated, it will remain with its owner permanently.

However, several factors can cause newly implanted hair to fall out easily. An expert doctor must carefully manage every step of the hair transplantation process to prevent this. This includes maintaining the condition of the hair grafts by soaking them in a high-performance preservation solution until they are implanted, placing the grafts at an optimal distance—not too far apart or too closely packed—and ensuring they are implanted at the proper depth to receive adequate nourishment.

Post-transplant care is just as crucial as the procedure itself. The doctor will closely monitor progress at every stage over the entire year, as the hair gradually grows to its full, natural state. The doctor will provide guidance, recommend practices, suggest treatments, and offer various nourishing products to ensure that both the doctor and patient can effectively manage the care of the newly transplanted hair with ease and confidence.

Fear of Pain and Side Effects of Hair Transplant

Based on feedback from many patients, their hair transplant day turned out to be smooth and painless, easing their initial worries. The process begins with removing and trimming hair grafts, and then implanting them one hair graft at a time with meticulous care. The doctor administers local anesthesia, effectively relieving both pain and swelling after the transplant. With the use of tiny equipment, innovative techniques, and the expertise and precision of the doctor, the wounds are significantly smaller, bleeding is minimized, and the entire experience is far less intimidating than most people imagine. Don't let fear hold you back—many have found the procedure to be much easier and more comfortable than they ever expected.

Concern about Long Recovery Time and Extended Leave from Work

Recovery is barely a concern nowadays because state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques allow you to live your daily life normally without needing to hide or worry about swelling or scars. Many patients have been able to drive home on the day of the procedure or return to work the next day. The only thing they need to do is be careful with the transplanted area as advised by the doctor to prevent the hair grafts from falling out. This means no long breaks from work or major disruptions to your daily routine.

Fear of Starting Treatment Too Late and Irreversible Hair Loss

Don’t worry about starting treatment too late. Even if your hair loss has reached a severe stage, there’s still hope. Many people wait until their hair loss becomes severe before seeking help, and doctors are well-equipped to handle these situations. Whether you’re experiencing thinning in multiple areas or significant hair loss over a wide area, a personalized treatment plan will be designed specifically for you.
If there are limited hair grafts available, the doctor will carefully calculate and strategically place them to maximize coverage or focus on the areas that matter most to you. Alongside the transplant, specialized products and treatments can be recommended to nourish and strengthen your hair, slow down further loss, accelerate regrowth, and make your hair appear thicker, darker, and fuller. You’re not alone, and it’s never too late to take action.

However, doctors strongly recommend that anyone noticing early signs of hair loss or thinning should seek consultation and care as soon as possible, while there are still plenty of hair grafts available in the Safe Donor Area. Early treatment allows for denser transplant results and gives doctors the opportunity to slow down premature hair loss in other areas.

Why get a Hair Transplant when you're older? Here's why it's not a waste of money!

This concern is common among patients over 50. Today, older adults lead more active lives, engage in various activities, and spend more time socializing. Our patients want to share a message with those who are hesitant: even as we age, we still have many vibrant years ahead. If a hair transplant can boost your confidence and happiness as you grow older, it’s a choice well worth considering. Don’t wait! - delaying could mean missing the chance to enjoy the benefits of a fuller head of hair.

Finally, if you’re concerned that hair transplantation is too costly, consider the long-term value rather than just the price. By choosing a reputable clinic and an experienced, skilled doctor, you can trust the process and enjoy results that go beyond just dense, strong new hair. The uplift in self-worth, self-confidence and happiness that comes with it makes this once-in-a-lifetime investment truly worthwhile.

Premium Hair Booster: Transform your hair with effective growth solutions
Stop hair loss! Transform your hair with effective growth solutions at Namnin!

Have you ever noticed hair falling out constantly on the floor or clinging to your hand every time you wash your hair, flowing down the drain? If you see your part widening and your hair thinning, making your forehead look more prominent and impacting your confidence, you're not alone. Many worry that a hair transplant might be painful and involve a long recovery. But don’t worry—there are effective, non-surgical treatments available for hair loss in women. Keep reading to discover the options that can help restore your confidence and improve your hair without the need for surgery.

Understanding Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Women

Hair loss in women often presents differently than in men. Typically, women experience gradual thinning, usually starting at the top of the head (on the crown), where the part becomes wider and the scalp becomes more visible. While genetics and physical health conditions are common causes, external factors can also play a significant role in hair loss. These include:

  • Menopause: For individuals aged 40-45 and older, rapidly decreasing sex hormone levels can weaken hair roots, leading to thinning and hair loss;

  • Postpartum: New mothers often face emotional and psychological stress, which can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to hair loss;

  • Rapid weight loss;

  • Taking specific medications, including those for blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and acne;

Engaging in improper hair care practices, such as aggressive combing, frequent wig use, applying chemicals and heat to hair, and tying hair too tightly.

4 non-surgical ways to treat thinning hair and hair Loss in women at Namnin"

If you're worried about hair loss and thinning hair and dream of restoring your locks to their full, healthy glory—without the fear of pain, surgery, or lengthy recovery times—Namnin offers the perfect solution. Our specialized products and programs are designed specifically to treat thinning hair and hair loss in women, providing effective care that addresses the problem directly, all without discomfort. Here's how we can help:

1. Elixir Hair Serum - A powerful serum formulated to reduce hair loss effectively.

Introducing Elixir Hair Serum—a potent, all-natural hair health serum crafted with 100% pure ingredients like butterfly pea, horsetail, wheat seeds, and cattail. These powerful botanicals are renowned for their ability to significantly reduce hair loss while stimulating new hair growth. In addition to promoting thicker, darker, and shinier hair, this serum also helps to minimize gray hair, offering you a comprehensive solution for vibrant, healthy hair.

2. VITA H Hair Care Multivitamin

VITA H Hair Care Multivitamin is an advanced supplement developed by Dr. Nin to promote optimal hair root health. This carefully crafted formula combines brown rice extract and cactus extract to effectively inhibit male hormones, a key contributor to hair loss. Additionally, it tackles scalp oiliness and fortifies the scalp with D-Biotin Zinc Gluconate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, and a Vitamin B Premix. These powerful ingredients work together to nourish your hair from the root, resulting in stronger, thicker, and shinier hair than ever before. Experience a comprehensive solution for revitalizing your hair with VITA H.

3. LLLT: Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hair Follicle Restoration

LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy) is an innovative treatment that uses low-frequency lasers with wavelengths between 650-680 nanometers. This advanced technology delivers energy deep into the scalp's hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation to ensure that hair follicles receive essential nutrients and oxygen. By invigorating the follicles, LLLT strengthens roots, promotes healthy growth, and effectively slows down hair loss. 

4. Premium Hair Booster Program: An Innovative Deep Hair Care Solution

PHB Treatment is specifically designed to tackle weak hair roots, hair loss, and thinning hair. Utilizing various biomolecules, this treatment deeply nourishes the hair follicles at the cellular level, strengthening them from within. It helps reduce hair loss and effectively stimulates the growth of new hair. Initial results can be observed after the first treatment, with the most significant improvements seen when following the continuous service recommendations provided by your doctor.

Say goodbye to hair loss and thinning hair effortlessly, without the need for surgery or recovery time, with four effective methods designed by Dr. Nin at Nam Nin Clinic. Whether it's our advanced serums, dietary vitamins, the intensive PHB treatment, or the innovative LLLT light therapy, these solutions are crafted to rejuvenate and restore your hair.

At Namnin, every patient receives personalized care from Dr. Nin. Each individual’s hair and scalp health issues will be evaluated by Dr. Nin to determine the most effective treatment tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, Dr. Nin will offer detailed advice on hair and scalp care to ensure the best possible results.

New Hair by NEAT Technique
What, specifically, makes the name "Namnin" unique and well-liked in the hair transplant community? The "NEAT technique" for hair transplantation, which was created by "Dr. Nin - Dr. Nil Namthongton" and eventually became Namnin's Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, is the obvious answer. The intention is to advance Dr. Nin's constantly hair restoration techniques so that patients can have the most upscale hair transplant experience possible.

The Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, also known as the NEAT technique, is a highly advanced hair transplant method that originated from Dr. Nin's meticulous attention to every detail in merging science and art to effectively manage hair-related problems. Every letter has a hidden meaning that represents expertise in a unique way.

N – Namnin
The letter N denotes Dr. Nin, a genuine expert physician who oversees every aspect of the hair transplant procedure. This includes diagnosing the problem, creating treatment plans, implanting each hair graft solely herself, caring for it, and monitoring it closely for 18 months until the implanted hair grows strongly.

E – Exclusive
The letter E signifies an approach to constructing "individualized" treatment, as we fully understand that each patient has a unique combination of challenges. Furthermore, gender, age, conditions, desires, and needs vary. As a result, a different treatment technique needs to be developed for each of the patients. There is no universal solution for solving every problem as simply as feasible.

A – Advanced
The hair transplantation quality that is safe and meets international standards is reflected in the letter A. This attribute is the fruit of Dr. Nin's skills and experience, as well as her meticulousness and attention in each step of the treatment procedure to dismiss patient concerns and boost patient confidence.

T - Technique
In order to address pain points and improve the suitability of hair transplant outcomes for patients, Dr. Nin has also created a number of treatments. For example, the method of gradually removing hair from the occipital region in order to conceal the wound. Shaving the hair is not necessary. Without needing to hide it, you can freely style your hair. To perform implantation, Dr. Nin will carry out herself. Along with selecting the right size and thickness of hair for each area, we also emphasize the need of building appropriate density and positioning the hair grafts in the same direction as the original hair. This helps patients not only prevent hair loss but also recover quickly, allowing them to resume routine way of life practically immediately. 

The science of hair transplantation is an essential and challenging subject for hair specialists. It differs from other types of surgery in that it requires hair only from the back of the patient's head, the so-called Safe Donor Area. Such hair is limited and may not have enough for another procedure in the future, especially in patients with fragile hair or severe hair loss, the more hair will be left. Because of the limited amount of hair in the Safe Donor Area, the physician needs to take extra care while planning how to use it. Never forget that each patient could only undergo one or two hair transplants in their lifetime.

Furthermore, hair transplantation involves numerous procedures that require meticulous attention and care, including the removal of the graft and implanting into the problem area. At Namnin, we have a staff of medical assistants who have received direct training and skills from Dr. Nin to ensure that all of our patients receive satisfactory treatment that adheres to medical principles.

Dr. Nin also underlines the need for long-term care after hair transplantation. That is, there will be follow-up and monitoring throughout the 18-month treatment journey to ensure the best possible outcome of newly grown hair. Dr. Nin is always inventing techniques, products and initiatives to improve treatment to better suit each patient's individual conditions.

Dr. Nin has expertise in hair care, rather than just hair transplants. In many circumstances, she needs to choose a more appropriate alternative for patients who are not suited for hair transplantation. For example, in female patients who suffer from thinning hair all over the head, including the front, middle, and the lower back of the head (occipital area). Women typically have fewer safe donor areas than men. Some women may have very little useable hair, while others may have none at all. If the hair on occipital area begins to fall out, it indicates that the hair in that location is fragile and thin, leaving it unsuitable for transplantation. If hair is taken from the occipital area and then implanted in another area, it may fall out again. The excised area of the occipital area will appear much thinner.

This is just one example of a patient's problem that has inspired Dr. Nin to invent and develop various aids to treat hair loss and thinning hair without relying on hair transplantation, that is, taking medicine, using serum, taking vitamins, as well as receiving a variety of treatment services, such as the latest treatment innovation that Dr. Nin developed, Premium Hair Booster Injection into the scalp.

With the help of Premium Hair Booster, limp, fine and thin hair can instantly become larger, thicker, and stronger by providing deep cellular nourishment. It can aid in generating hair more density and darkness. It also helps in slowing down the hair loss process, Moreover, it promotes and boosts the growth of new hair. For male patients who also require hair restoration, Dr. Nin combines the use of Premium Hair Booster.

Years of experience, care, and competence have been accumulated by Dr. Nin. Dr. Nin has been recently appointed as a special professor at Dhurakij Pundit University's Master of Aesthetic Medicine program, specifically in hair transplantation, which enables her to share her expertise to medical students. This is in line with Dr. Nin's goal to help Thailand's hair transplant industry expand and thrive so that it can compete internationally.

Premium Hair Booster program, an innovative solution for women's thinning hair
Thinning hair, like many other facial skin concerns, is one of the issues that lead women to lose their confidence. Thinning hair makes your face appear older. Whatever hairstyle you choose, it will not be as stunning as you hoped. Thinning hair can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, or daily living habits that are detrimental to the hair and scalp's health.

The problem of women's thinning hair can take several typical forms, including the following:
  • Thinning hair all over the head, including the front and middle of the head, as well as the occipital region: This is a pattern that is tough to address. Even a hair transplant might not be an answer. That's because there aren't enough hair grafts left for a hair transplant. In this case, it is required to first strengthen the hair and scalp, or to examine the health history to determine the root cause of the thinning hair problem so that tailored treatment can be provided.

  • Problems with thinning hair only in the middle of the head with a large visible parting: Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) is defined by thinning hair in the middle of the head that begins at the parting area and gradually thins out until the scalp can easily be seen. In some cases, the hair on the sides of the head may be thinning, making it harder to style.

  • Problems with a receding frontal hairline and a broaden forehead: Some hair problems cause imbalanced facial proportions. The facial appearance is undesirable, appears aged, leading to loss of confidence. It needs to be addressed with a hair transplant to adjust the hairline and new facial frame, as well as nourishing the hair's health by using products that help strengthen the hair roots, taking vitamins, and nourishing your hair with the PHB program to reduce the likelihood of future hair loss.

Premium Hair Booster program, an assist in treating thinning hair
Namnin Clinic's Premium Hair Booster, or PHB program, is a hair injection treatment with a unique recipe. PHB can help treat your hair thinning problem straight away, whether it is a problem of thinning hair all over the head, in the middle of the head, or even thinning hair along the frontal hairline that causes the receding hairline and make the forehead become broad.

The Premium Hair Booster program offers a wide range of biomolecules that promote hair and scalp health. It can deeply nourish the hair to the hair follicles and stimulate the hair roots to become strong, benefiting in the treatment of hair loss and effectively eliminating the problem of thinning hair.

If you keep receiving the Premium Hair Booster program as advised by your doctor to deal with your hair thinning, we guarantee that you will regain your shiny black hair and self-confidence. However, the frequency with which people receive assistance will vary, depending on the severity of your thinning hair problem.

The following groups of people can benefit from the Premium Hair Booster program:
  • People who experience hair loss, either in specific regions or all over the head;
  • People who have weakened their hair and scalp as a result of straightening, perming, dying, or coloring their hair;
  • People with thin, frizzy hair that readily falls out;
  • People who want thick, gorgeous hair at their hairline without having to undergo a hair transplant;
  • PHB can aid in the treatment of thinning hair in women and men.

Premium Hair Booster will directly replenish and nourish the hair roots, making them stronger, as well as repair damaged hair follicular cells that cause the hair roots to weaken and fall out easily. It also helps to generate new hair more efficiently. You will see the difference after the first treatment, that are:
  • Within 3-7 days, less hair falls out;
  • In 1-3 months, you'll have a fresh set of hair;
  • The new hair is thicker and looks healthier than before.

At Namnin Clinic, Dr. Nin will examine the problem and create personalized treatments, as well as close follow-up in person, to ensure that the outcomes of dealing with women's thinning hair problems with the Premium Hair Booster program are most successful and exceed the consumer's expectations. 

The Premium Hair Booster program is seen to be a worthwhile option for treating thinning hair in women. Because it not only aids in the thorough restoration of hair health, to the point with a procedure that does not require any pain or recovery time, but it takes only 30-40 minutes to receive the service and you can resume your daily activities.

However, the Premium Hair Booster program is appropriate for those whose scalp still has open hair follicles but their hair is thin, thin, and unhealthy. If the hair follicles have already closed, you will need to undergo a hair transplant to achieve the results you desire.

Widening Hair Part - It's not difficult to fix
In addition to worrying about receding hairline, a broad forehead, and noticeably thinning hair all over the head, the problem of wide hair part is another worrying problem. Moreover, if the widening part is left untreated and you do not find the appropriate treatment to stop it, it may lead to the thinning hair until the scalp is clearly visible.

In general, a broad hair part is considered a certain type of thinning hair that is more common in women. It is mainly caused by heredity and the habit of parting and tying the hair too tight each day, which affects the direction of hair growth. Tying the hair too tight damages your hair roots. Aging is another cause of wide hair part.

What signs of wide part should I be concerned about?
Due to aging, most women will begin to notice a sign of thinning hair in the middle of the head, which appears as a clearly visible wide part. Thinning hair can be divided according to severity into 4 stages as follows:

  • Stage 1: Noticed by hair shedding of more than 200 strands a day.

  • Stage 2: The amount of hair growing in the middle of the head decreases.

  • Stage 3: The hair part resembles a Christmas tree and the scalp is clearly visible.

  • Stage 4: There is no new hair growing at the hair part. The scalp is clearly visible and looks like no pores exist. 

How to prevent a wide hair part
In addition to heredity, daily behavior is another important factor of broad part. To prevent widening part, we recommend the following practices:

  • Change the parting of your hair, for example, from a middle parting to a parting to the left or right instead. This is to adjust the direction and orientation of new hair.

  • Avoid tying your hair or pulling it too tight because it may harm and damage the hair roots and make them weak.

  • Avoid excessive heat styling or using chemicals on your hair and scalp, such as hair perming, straightening, and coloring.

  • Use gentle hair and scalp care products to prevent hair falling-out.

  • Do not comb your hair while it is wet to prevent hair breakage or hair falling-out.

  • Eating a balanced diet for healthy hair such as protein to strengthen the hair roots.

However, if you are facing a severe problem of widening hair part, it is better to consult a doctor at the initial stage (stage 1-2) in order to receive a diagnosis of the root cause and receive appropriate treatment immediately to prevent a wider part that can lead to bigger problems.

Importantly, if a treatment is started at an early stage, results will be seen quickly and in a timely manner and you can save treatment costs as well. What is the best treatment method with the least pain but delightful results? 

Premium Hair Booster (PHB) Program, a treatment for a wide hair part without surgery

The problem of widening hair part is mainly caused by genetics. Even though a hair transplant can help make the hair thicker and denser, there is a chance that a wide part will become more noticeable in the future. Therefore, at Namnin, we will deal with the problem of hereditary wide part and hair loss in women where a hair transplant is not the right answer, with our special technique, no surgery, no recovery required, that is Premium Hair Booster (PHB) program.

Premium Hair Booster (PHB), formulated by Namnin's expert doctors, is a treatment packed with biomolecules, vitamins, proteins, and nutrients necessary to nourish the hair roots, which will deeply nourish the hair follicles.

What's more, with PHB program, you will notice the delightful results from the first time you receive the treatment, for instance:
  • your hair loss will be reduced within 3-7 days after receiving the treatment;
  • newly-grown hair will be noticed in 1-3 months after receiving the treatment;
  • your hair will become thicker and denser in 2-4 months; and
  • within 6-9 months, you will see the obvious change and expected result delightfully.

In addition, Premium Hair Booster (PHB) is a convenient way to fix a wide hair part because it does not cause pain and you do not need to worry about side effects, wounds or scars.

For anyone who is worried about a wide part and signs of thinning hair, you can rest easy because a wide part can be fixed without surgery or a hair transplant. Namnin would like to recommend the Premium Hair Booster Injection. Results can be guaranteed by our patients who have chosen this alternative to revitalize and strengthen the hair roots from within, and make it denser and shinier than before.

For effective and targeted treatment, if you notice a sign of thinning hair like a wide hair part, you should consult a doctor to evaluate symptoms and design a correct and appropriate treatment as soon as possible. This will help you stop the spreading thinning hair problem before it causes you to lose your confidence.