Tag : Hair loss
Clarify All Questions Before Undergoing Hair Transplantation
Considering a Hair Transplant but “Worried About” the Results?

This should be a primary concern for anyone facing hair loss, thinning hair, or impending baldness. It's no surprise, as we all recognize how valuable our hair is, especially as we encounter the reality of increasing hair loss and visible thinning hair. We empathize with the anxiety and loss of confidence that comes with hair loss, and we truly understand the profound importance of maintaining a full head of hair.

Many people have successfully moved past their initial concerns and regained their confidence and positive image after a hair transplant. However, the question remains for many: Is a hair transplant truly effective? How should one begin the process?

From our experience advising Namnin’s patients, we've observed that many individuals hesitate about undergoing a hair transplant due to various fears and uncertainties. Some are concerned because of outdated perceptions of hair transplants, while others worry about not being able to predict their future results.

In this section, Namnin has gathered essential answers to help you overcome your fears and clear your worries. We want to ensure that everyone can confidently take the first step towards their hair transplant journey, achieving the desired results and transforming into a new person. Let us guide you to a future where you feel renewed and confident with your new hair.

Fear of Hair Transplant: Think Hair Transplants Require Surgery and Shaving? Think Again!

In the past, hair transplants meant scalp surgery and shaving the back of your head. Not anymore! Modern techniques, especially the advanced FUE method, have revolutionized hair transplants. Today’s leading doctors have perfected this FUE technique to offer you a convenient, comfortable hair transplant experience—leaving the worries of the past behind!

The FUE technique involves extracting and relocating hair grafts from the back of the head to areas with hair loss using a very small device that leaves virtually no scars. There's no need for a scalpel or shaving. Additionally, modern devices can be customized in size to fit the unique hair grafts of each person.

Worried Your Hair Won't Grow or Will Fall Out After a Transplant?

It's important to understand that hair transplantation relies crucially on the patient's own hair, specifically from the Safe Donor Area at the lower back of the head. This area is chosen because the hair there is resistant to the effects of the hormone DHT, which weakens hair roots and leads to premature hair loss.

When hair grafts are removed from the nape of the neck and implanted into other areas of the head, they retain their unique resilience due to the fact that both the hair and its roots are removed. This ensures that the newly implanted hair is robust, durable, and less likely to fall out. While it is normal for the hair to shed and regrow as part of its natural cycle, once fully integrated, it will remain with its owner permanently.

However, several factors can cause newly implanted hair to fall out easily. An expert doctor must carefully manage every step of the hair transplantation process to prevent this. This includes maintaining the condition of the hair grafts by soaking them in a high-performance preservation solution until they are implanted, placing the grafts at an optimal distance—not too far apart or too closely packed—and ensuring they are implanted at the proper depth to receive adequate nourishment.

Post-transplant care is just as crucial as the procedure itself. The doctor will closely monitor progress at every stage over the entire year, as the hair gradually grows to its full, natural state. The doctor will provide guidance, recommend practices, suggest treatments, and offer various nourishing products to ensure that both the doctor and patient can effectively manage the care of the newly transplanted hair with ease and confidence.

Fear of Pain and Side Effects of Hair Transplant

Based on feedback from many patients, their hair transplant day turned out to be smooth and painless, easing their initial worries. The process begins with removing and trimming hair grafts, and then implanting them one hair graft at a time with meticulous care. The doctor administers local anesthesia, effectively relieving both pain and swelling after the transplant. With the use of tiny equipment, innovative techniques, and the expertise and precision of the doctor, the wounds are significantly smaller, bleeding is minimized, and the entire experience is far less intimidating than most people imagine. Don't let fear hold you back—many have found the procedure to be much easier and more comfortable than they ever expected.

Concern about Long Recovery Time and Extended Leave from Work

Recovery is barely a concern nowadays because state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques allow you to live your daily life normally without needing to hide or worry about swelling or scars. Many patients have been able to drive home on the day of the procedure or return to work the next day. The only thing they need to do is be careful with the transplanted area as advised by the doctor to prevent the hair grafts from falling out. This means no long breaks from work or major disruptions to your daily routine.

Fear of Starting Treatment Too Late and Irreversible Hair Loss

Don’t worry about starting treatment too late. Even if your hair loss has reached a severe stage, there’s still hope. Many people wait until their hair loss becomes severe before seeking help, and doctors are well-equipped to handle these situations. Whether you’re experiencing thinning in multiple areas or significant hair loss over a wide area, a personalized treatment plan will be designed specifically for you.
If there are limited hair grafts available, the doctor will carefully calculate and strategically place them to maximize coverage or focus on the areas that matter most to you. Alongside the transplant, specialized products and treatments can be recommended to nourish and strengthen your hair, slow down further loss, accelerate regrowth, and make your hair appear thicker, darker, and fuller. You’re not alone, and it’s never too late to take action.

However, doctors strongly recommend that anyone noticing early signs of hair loss or thinning should seek consultation and care as soon as possible, while there are still plenty of hair grafts available in the Safe Donor Area. Early treatment allows for denser transplant results and gives doctors the opportunity to slow down premature hair loss in other areas.

Why get a Hair Transplant when you're older? Here's why it's not a waste of money!

This concern is common among patients over 50. Today, older adults lead more active lives, engage in various activities, and spend more time socializing. Our patients want to share a message with those who are hesitant: even as we age, we still have many vibrant years ahead. If a hair transplant can boost your confidence and happiness as you grow older, it’s a choice well worth considering. Don’t wait! - delaying could mean missing the chance to enjoy the benefits of a fuller head of hair.

Finally, if you’re concerned that hair transplantation is too costly, consider the long-term value rather than just the price. By choosing a reputable clinic and an experienced, skilled doctor, you can trust the process and enjoy results that go beyond just dense, strong new hair. The uplift in self-worth, self-confidence and happiness that comes with it makes this once-in-a-lifetime investment truly worthwhile.

Targeted Hair Growth Solutions for Thinning Hair
The NEAT hair transplant technique, developed by Dr. Nin : Dr. Nin Namthongton Hair Transplant Doctor at  Namnin Clinic, has changed the traditional perception of hair transplantation after transplants eliminating the need for bandaging, recovery time, and complicated self-care. The NEAT technique makes hair transplantation more accessible, offering both beauty and convenience to every patient.

The heart of NEAT is a hair transplantation technique using a tiny 0.6 millimeter implanter. This results in very small wounds after the transplant, with minimal bleeding, almost no bruising or swelling, and barely any scabbing. It caters to a lifestyle that doesn't require long recovery periods and doesn't affect one's appearance even immediately after the transplant. Allowing patients to leave home and carry out their daily routines as usual.

Another crucial element, beyond the technique for successful hair transplantation, is the experience, precision, and attention to every detail of the "hair transplant physician." Dr. Nin personally implants every hair graft herself. All patients confirm that the doctor works as part of their team from day one - listening to their problems, assessing their expectations, creating correct understanding, designing the treatment, personally performing the hair transplant, and providing continuous post-transplant care. This ensures that NEAT can deliver new hair that perfectly restores the patient's appearance and confidence.

Ms. Ying Thitikan, who is a singer and actress, was one of those who felt that "thinning hair" was becoming a problem, starting to affect her work and daily life. She didn't hesitate and quickly sought a solution that was both suitable and satisfying for her as soon as possible.

Based on her own research and seeing many of her artist friends undergo the NEAT hair transplant technique by Dr. Nin, which turned out not to be as scary as she had thought. After the hair transplant, there were no wounds, no recovery period was needed, and normal activities could be resumed immediately. The results were excellent and looked very natural. When Ms. Nuch Wilawan introduced her to Dr. Nin, Ms. Ying did not hesitate to consult with the doctor about her own concerns right away.

After meeting with the doctor and having her hair thinning problem assessed, Dr. Nin praised Ms. Ying for her fast decision to consult a doctor, as her hair thinning was still minimal. This meant that not many grafts were needed for the transplant, making it an ideal time for the transplant. Dr. Nin recommended the NEAT technique as the most precise solution to her problem, exactly what Ms. Ying was looking for. “Dr. Nin recommended the NEAT technique, which is his own specialized technique. The doctor personally implants each graft. He oversees every step of the process himself. I would say it's not as scary as one might think. The doctor has a very gentle touch," Ms. Ying explained.

Because of Dr. Nin's meticulous care and unique technique in NEAT hair transplantation, even those close to Ms. Ying didn't notice any changes or abnormalities after the procedure. Because Ms. Ying was able to go on vacations, work, sing, and live her life normally in every way. The only thing that changed was her enhanced beauty.

From the first day of her hair transplant until today, a year later, Ms. Ying feels even more comfortable and happier than before. This is due to Dr. Nin's close post-transplant care. At every follow-up appointment after the transplant, Dr. Nin personally evaluates and monitors the treatment progress. If there are any doubts or concerns, patients can consult with the doctor directly during these appointments. This has made the 1 year following the transplant a reassuring, comfortable, and impressive experience for all patients.

"I'd like to say that I'm so happy that today I no longer need to use hair shadow. We just need to take care of and nourish our hair, take vitamins as recommended by the doctor, so that our transplanted hair will have strong roots and stay with us for a long time. That's all. It's a simple method that the doctor recommends."

NEAT is a cutting-edge, easy-to-understand hair transplant method intelligently designed to address all types of hair loss. It offers a fresh, innovative approach to hair restoration that you can experience at "Namnin" Discover how NEAT can transform your hair and boost your confidence with a solution that's both simple and effective.

Premium Hair Booster: Transform your hair with effective growth solutions
Stop hair loss! Transform your hair with effective growth solutions at Namnin!

Have you ever noticed hair falling out constantly on the floor or clinging to your hand every time you wash your hair, flowing down the drain? If you see your part widening and your hair thinning, making your forehead look more prominent and impacting your confidence, you're not alone. Many worry that a hair transplant might be painful and involve a long recovery. But don’t worry—there are effective, non-surgical treatments available for hair loss in women. Keep reading to discover the options that can help restore your confidence and improve your hair without the need for surgery.

Understanding Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Women

Hair loss in women often presents differently than in men. Typically, women experience gradual thinning, usually starting at the top of the head (on the crown), where the part becomes wider and the scalp becomes more visible. While genetics and physical health conditions are common causes, external factors can also play a significant role in hair loss. These include:

  • Menopause: For individuals aged 40-45 and older, rapidly decreasing sex hormone levels can weaken hair roots, leading to thinning and hair loss;

  • Postpartum: New mothers often face emotional and psychological stress, which can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to hair loss;

  • Rapid weight loss;

  • Taking specific medications, including those for blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and acne;

Engaging in improper hair care practices, such as aggressive combing, frequent wig use, applying chemicals and heat to hair, and tying hair too tightly.

4 non-surgical ways to treat thinning hair and hair Loss in women at Namnin"

If you're worried about hair loss and thinning hair and dream of restoring your locks to their full, healthy glory—without the fear of pain, surgery, or lengthy recovery times—Namnin offers the perfect solution. Our specialized products and programs are designed specifically to treat thinning hair and hair loss in women, providing effective care that addresses the problem directly, all without discomfort. Here's how we can help:

1. Elixir Hair Serum - A powerful serum formulated to reduce hair loss effectively.

Introducing Elixir Hair Serum—a potent, all-natural hair health serum crafted with 100% pure ingredients like butterfly pea, horsetail, wheat seeds, and cattail. These powerful botanicals are renowned for their ability to significantly reduce hair loss while stimulating new hair growth. In addition to promoting thicker, darker, and shinier hair, this serum also helps to minimize gray hair, offering you a comprehensive solution for vibrant, healthy hair.

2. VITA H Hair Care Multivitamin

VITA H Hair Care Multivitamin is an advanced supplement developed by Dr. Nin to promote optimal hair root health. This carefully crafted formula combines brown rice extract and cactus extract to effectively inhibit male hormones, a key contributor to hair loss. Additionally, it tackles scalp oiliness and fortifies the scalp with D-Biotin Zinc Gluconate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, and a Vitamin B Premix. These powerful ingredients work together to nourish your hair from the root, resulting in stronger, thicker, and shinier hair than ever before. Experience a comprehensive solution for revitalizing your hair with VITA H.

3. LLLT: Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hair Follicle Restoration

LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy) is an innovative treatment that uses low-frequency lasers with wavelengths between 650-680 nanometers. This advanced technology delivers energy deep into the scalp's hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation to ensure that hair follicles receive essential nutrients and oxygen. By invigorating the follicles, LLLT strengthens roots, promotes healthy growth, and effectively slows down hair loss. 

4. Premium Hair Booster Program: An Innovative Deep Hair Care Solution

PHB Treatment is specifically designed to tackle weak hair roots, hair loss, and thinning hair. Utilizing various biomolecules, this treatment deeply nourishes the hair follicles at the cellular level, strengthening them from within. It helps reduce hair loss and effectively stimulates the growth of new hair. Initial results can be observed after the first treatment, with the most significant improvements seen when following the continuous service recommendations provided by your doctor.

Say goodbye to hair loss and thinning hair effortlessly, without the need for surgery or recovery time, with four effective methods designed by Dr. Nin at Nam Nin Clinic. Whether it's our advanced serums, dietary vitamins, the intensive PHB treatment, or the innovative LLLT light therapy, these solutions are crafted to rejuvenate and restore your hair.

At Namnin, every patient receives personalized care from Dr. Nin. Each individual’s hair and scalp health issues will be evaluated by Dr. Nin to determine the most effective treatment tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, Dr. Nin will offer detailed advice on hair and scalp care to ensure the best possible results.

New Hair by NEAT Technique
What, specifically, makes the name "Namnin" unique and well-liked in the hair transplant community? The "NEAT technique" for hair transplantation, which was created by "Dr. Nin - Dr. Nil Namthongton" and eventually became Namnin's Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, is the obvious answer. The intention is to advance Dr. Nin's constantly hair restoration techniques so that patients can have the most upscale hair transplant experience possible.

The Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique, also known as the NEAT technique, is a highly advanced hair transplant method that originated from Dr. Nin's meticulous attention to every detail in merging science and art to effectively manage hair-related problems. Every letter has a hidden meaning that represents expertise in a unique way.

N – Namnin
The letter N denotes Dr. Nin, a genuine expert physician who oversees every aspect of the hair transplant procedure. This includes diagnosing the problem, creating treatment plans, implanting each hair graft solely herself, caring for it, and monitoring it closely for 18 months until the implanted hair grows strongly.

E – Exclusive
The letter E signifies an approach to constructing "individualized" treatment, as we fully understand that each patient has a unique combination of challenges. Furthermore, gender, age, conditions, desires, and needs vary. As a result, a different treatment technique needs to be developed for each of the patients. There is no universal solution for solving every problem as simply as feasible.

A – Advanced
The hair transplantation quality that is safe and meets international standards is reflected in the letter A. This attribute is the fruit of Dr. Nin's skills and experience, as well as her meticulousness and attention in each step of the treatment procedure to dismiss patient concerns and boost patient confidence.

T - Technique
In order to address pain points and improve the suitability of hair transplant outcomes for patients, Dr. Nin has also created a number of treatments. For example, the method of gradually removing hair from the occipital region in order to conceal the wound. Shaving the hair is not necessary. Without needing to hide it, you can freely style your hair. To perform implantation, Dr. Nin will carry out herself. Along with selecting the right size and thickness of hair for each area, we also emphasize the need of building appropriate density and positioning the hair grafts in the same direction as the original hair. This helps patients not only prevent hair loss but also recover quickly, allowing them to resume routine way of life practically immediately. 

The science of hair transplantation is an essential and challenging subject for hair specialists. It differs from other types of surgery in that it requires hair only from the back of the patient's head, the so-called Safe Donor Area. Such hair is limited and may not have enough for another procedure in the future, especially in patients with fragile hair or severe hair loss, the more hair will be left. Because of the limited amount of hair in the Safe Donor Area, the physician needs to take extra care while planning how to use it. Never forget that each patient could only undergo one or two hair transplants in their lifetime.

Furthermore, hair transplantation involves numerous procedures that require meticulous attention and care, including the removal of the graft and implanting into the problem area. At Namnin, we have a staff of medical assistants who have received direct training and skills from Dr. Nin to ensure that all of our patients receive satisfactory treatment that adheres to medical principles.

Dr. Nin also underlines the need for long-term care after hair transplantation. That is, there will be follow-up and monitoring throughout the 18-month treatment journey to ensure the best possible outcome of newly grown hair. Dr. Nin is always inventing techniques, products and initiatives to improve treatment to better suit each patient's individual conditions.

Dr. Nin has expertise in hair care, rather than just hair transplants. In many circumstances, she needs to choose a more appropriate alternative for patients who are not suited for hair transplantation. For example, in female patients who suffer from thinning hair all over the head, including the front, middle, and the lower back of the head (occipital area). Women typically have fewer safe donor areas than men. Some women may have very little useable hair, while others may have none at all. If the hair on occipital area begins to fall out, it indicates that the hair in that location is fragile and thin, leaving it unsuitable for transplantation. If hair is taken from the occipital area and then implanted in another area, it may fall out again. The excised area of the occipital area will appear much thinner.

This is just one example of a patient's problem that has inspired Dr. Nin to invent and develop various aids to treat hair loss and thinning hair without relying on hair transplantation, that is, taking medicine, using serum, taking vitamins, as well as receiving a variety of treatment services, such as the latest treatment innovation that Dr. Nin developed, Premium Hair Booster Injection into the scalp.

With the help of Premium Hair Booster, limp, fine and thin hair can instantly become larger, thicker, and stronger by providing deep cellular nourishment. It can aid in generating hair more density and darkness. It also helps in slowing down the hair loss process, Moreover, it promotes and boosts the growth of new hair. For male patients who also require hair restoration, Dr. Nin combines the use of Premium Hair Booster.

Years of experience, care, and competence have been accumulated by Dr. Nin. Dr. Nin has been recently appointed as a special professor at Dhurakij Pundit University's Master of Aesthetic Medicine program, specifically in hair transplantation, which enables her to share her expertise to medical students. This is in line with Dr. Nin's goal to help Thailand's hair transplant industry expand and thrive so that it can compete internationally.

Premium Hair Booster program, an innovative solution for women's thinning hair
Thinning hair, like many other facial skin concerns, is one of the issues that lead women to lose their confidence. Thinning hair makes your face appear older. Whatever hairstyle you choose, it will not be as stunning as you hoped. Thinning hair can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, or daily living habits that are detrimental to the hair and scalp's health.

The problem of women's thinning hair can take several typical forms, including the following:
  • Thinning hair all over the head, including the front and middle of the head, as well as the occipital region: This is a pattern that is tough to address. Even a hair transplant might not be an answer. That's because there aren't enough hair grafts left for a hair transplant. In this case, it is required to first strengthen the hair and scalp, or to examine the health history to determine the root cause of the thinning hair problem so that tailored treatment can be provided.

  • Problems with thinning hair only in the middle of the head with a large visible parting: Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) is defined by thinning hair in the middle of the head that begins at the parting area and gradually thins out until the scalp can easily be seen. In some cases, the hair on the sides of the head may be thinning, making it harder to style.

  • Problems with a receding frontal hairline and a broaden forehead: Some hair problems cause imbalanced facial proportions. The facial appearance is undesirable, appears aged, leading to loss of confidence. It needs to be addressed with a hair transplant to adjust the hairline and new facial frame, as well as nourishing the hair's health by using products that help strengthen the hair roots, taking vitamins, and nourishing your hair with the PHB program to reduce the likelihood of future hair loss.

Premium Hair Booster program, an assist in treating thinning hair
Namnin Clinic's Premium Hair Booster, or PHB program, is a hair injection treatment with a unique recipe. PHB can help treat your hair thinning problem straight away, whether it is a problem of thinning hair all over the head, in the middle of the head, or even thinning hair along the frontal hairline that causes the receding hairline and make the forehead become broad.

The Premium Hair Booster program offers a wide range of biomolecules that promote hair and scalp health. It can deeply nourish the hair to the hair follicles and stimulate the hair roots to become strong, benefiting in the treatment of hair loss and effectively eliminating the problem of thinning hair.

If you keep receiving the Premium Hair Booster program as advised by your doctor to deal with your hair thinning, we guarantee that you will regain your shiny black hair and self-confidence. However, the frequency with which people receive assistance will vary, depending on the severity of your thinning hair problem.

The following groups of people can benefit from the Premium Hair Booster program:
  • People who experience hair loss, either in specific regions or all over the head;
  • People who have weakened their hair and scalp as a result of straightening, perming, dying, or coloring their hair;
  • People with thin, frizzy hair that readily falls out;
  • People who want thick, gorgeous hair at their hairline without having to undergo a hair transplant;
  • PHB can aid in the treatment of thinning hair in women and men.

Premium Hair Booster will directly replenish and nourish the hair roots, making them stronger, as well as repair damaged hair follicular cells that cause the hair roots to weaken and fall out easily. It also helps to generate new hair more efficiently. You will see the difference after the first treatment, that are:
  • Within 3-7 days, less hair falls out;
  • In 1-3 months, you'll have a fresh set of hair;
  • The new hair is thicker and looks healthier than before.

At Namnin Clinic, Dr. Nin will examine the problem and create personalized treatments, as well as close follow-up in person, to ensure that the outcomes of dealing with women's thinning hair problems with the Premium Hair Booster program are most successful and exceed the consumer's expectations. 

The Premium Hair Booster program is seen to be a worthwhile option for treating thinning hair in women. Because it not only aids in the thorough restoration of hair health, to the point with a procedure that does not require any pain or recovery time, but it takes only 30-40 minutes to receive the service and you can resume your daily activities.

However, the Premium Hair Booster program is appropriate for those whose scalp still has open hair follicles but their hair is thin, thin, and unhealthy. If the hair follicles have already closed, you will need to undergo a hair transplant to achieve the results you desire.

Restore damage hair with Premium Hair Booster
Are you experiencing losing your hair to the point of thinning? Although genetic or hormonal changes are the main causes of hair loss and thinning hair, did you know that harmful habits you may be performing unknowingly can also contribute to these issues?

Let's try to figure out the answer in this article to see if you have these hair-harming behaviors. How can you change your habits or nourish your hair so that it regains its strength, blackness, and shine?

Five hair-damaging habits you should avoid to stay away from hair loss and thinning hair

Using Heat on Your Hair
Hair styling tools, such as a hair dryer or a hair straightener, are commonly used in heat-based processes that can damage, dry, brittle, and break the hair. If you need to use heat on your hair, look for heat-protective products. This drastically minimizes hair damage.

Hair coloring or using chemicals on the hair
Hair coloring, straightening, and perming have always been popular as they enhance your appearance and style. However, if you change your hairstyles too frequently and do not take proper care of your hair, it can have a negative impact on the health of your hair and scalp, resulting in weak hair roots, dry hair, and a lack of moisture on the scalp, causing concerns such as hair breaks and falls, eventually leading to thinning hair.

These chemicals can penetrate the hair structure and damage the hair follicle cells. If you routinely color, perm, or straighten your hair, use a gentle shampoo, conditioner, or hair spray, as well as treatment products, to protect your hair and scalp.

Too tight hair ties
Tying your hair excessively tightly appears to weaken the hair roots by tugging too hard, which can easily lead to hair breakage. To loosen your hair, try changing your hairstyle or tying it with different materials, like hair clips. This will help to alleviate the issue of receding hairlines.

If you have to tie your hair tightly on a regular basis, you should nourish it with a variety of treatment programs that prevent hair loss. Namnin provides an innovative hair care program known as PHB, or Premium Hair Booster, that will help maintain your hair roots strong even when they are continually tugged tight.

Combing your hair the wrong way
When hair becomes tangled, most individuals comb it aggressively with a comb to free it. However, if done too forcefully, it might weaken the hair roots and cause hair loss.

Furthermore, brushing wet hair causes it to break and fall out more easily. You can keep your long-lasting, thick, black, and silky hair through refraining from these negative practices.

Washing your hair the wrong way
Even though shampooing your hair thoroughly removes dirt and debris from the scalp and avoids clogged pores, which are one of the causes of hair loss, cleaning it improperly might inflict more damage than you realize. For example, apply shampoo directly to the scalp, wash your hair with warm water, forcefully scratch the scalp while washing your hair, or apply conditioner to the entire scalp.

If you have any of these habits, you should change them immediately. Because these activities could harm your hair and scalp unintentionally.

Hair-harming habits can be handled with the PHB program.
If you wish to boost your confidence and attractiveness through frequent hairstyling, you can't avoid damaging hair practices like using heat or chemicals. However, did you know you could continue to keep your hair and scalp healthy?

The PHB (Premium Hair Booster) program is an injection treatment that nourishes hair throughout the scalp, not just in areas prone to hair loss and thinning. Namnin's exclusive formula, PHB, is rich in nutrients and vitamins that nourish the hair roots, resulting in greater hair size and thickness, less hair loss, and a healthy scalp.

No matter how much the hair-harming behavior damages the hair, Namnin's PHB program can handle it since it helps to block and slow down hair follicle cell inflammation while also healing damaged hair follicle cells so they function more efficiently.

The PHB (Premium Hair Booster) program is designed for:
  • anyone experiencing hair loss or thinning;
  • those with a weak scalp;
  • those with damaged and brittle hair; and
  • those seeking intensive hair care.

Thinning hair can be effectively treated without surgery with PHB (Premium Hair Booster), which has no negative side effects, recovery time, or scars. Most importantly, each surgery is overseen by an experienced surgeon given that Namnin prioritizes patient safety and treatment effectiveness. Namnin will not let you down, we promise.

Regain your hair strength with Namnin
The scalp, like the hair, is a vital component of the body that should not be overlooked. Hair plays a significant role in enhancing one's appearance and personality, as well as expressing one's unique style. Furthermore, the neatness and attractiveness of the hair on the head reflect how well the person takes care of herself or himself.

That is why many people become concerned when something unusual happens to their scalp and hair, such as dandruff, split ends, greasy hair, dry hair, itchy scalp, or hair loss, which causes the hair to appear fragile and vulnerable or baldness. All of this makes the hair owner feel less confident and constantly worried with concealing symptoms of hair problems.

Understanding and observing your own behavior that may have an impact on the condition of your hair and scalp is a good place to start when investigating the cause and seeking appropriate solutions. Let's start by getting to know our scalp. Typically, scalp disorders are divided into two categories.

People with dry scalps will notice that when they touch their hair, it is usually dry rather than moist. The scalp feels dry and tight, and there may be a little flaky white flake that causes irritation.

For those with greasy scalps, the simple observation is that after washing the hair for just a day, particularly around the root of the hair, oil will begin to coat the hair, making it appear flat and filthy.

As a result, the following indications may indicate that we should begin to care for our hair and scalp more thoroughly. Assess how many of these symptoms you have:

  • Dry hair;
  • Split ends;
  • Frizzy and unmanageable hair;
  • Oily hair and itchy scalp;
  • Dandruff;
  • Hair loss;
  • Broaden hair part;
  • Receding frontal hairline;
  • Thinning hair in the center of the head.

Once you've found what's wrong with your hair, the following step is to figure out what's causing it. These are examples of causes that produce an imbalance in the scalp's health, resulting in several kinds of hair problems, such as hair loss, thinning hair, and even baldness which demands more complex care and treatment.

  • Hereditary traits are passed down through families
  • Stress
  • Inadequate nutritional intake
  • Side effects of diseases
  • Side effects from taking certain medications 
  • Hormonal changes, such as postpartum conditions

Unaware of actions that damage hair, like
  • Washing your hair too often or washing your hair with too hot water.
  • Combing hair while it is wet or combing your hair too hard.
  • Leaving hair wet or damp for a long time
  • Straightening, perming, dyeing, coloring or using excessive chemicals on the hair
  • Wearing a hat or tight hair tie for too long
  • Pulling hair when anxious

In addition to keeping an eye on the abnormal symptoms and state of your hair problems, speaking with a hair professional can help identify the root cause of your hair problems and come up with suitable, efficient treatment plans.

Dr. Nin, a hair transplant specialist at Namnin Clinic, not only has considerable knowledge and experience in hair care both locally and globally, but she also employs attention-grabbing treatment methods and processes, as shown in the steps below.

Assessing problem circumstances and evaluating personalized treatment plans. Adopting patient-centered practices: We certainly realize that each patient has a unique condition. As a result, a single effective formula cannot be applied to all circumstances. As a result, we must tailor each patient's treatment to their specific needs.

Listening intently to the patient's voice from the start of the consultation in order to understand the patient's concerns and needs, which will lead to the formation of a treatment plan for both the patient and the physician.

To provide patients with a clear picture of the treatment process and its potential outcomes, communication with them must always be personable, polite, simple to understand, and founded in reality and possibilities.

Dr. Nin does not limit her approach to employing hair transplants to fix problems; instead, she analyzes the patient's symptoms as well as the type of the hair problem while determining the most successful treatment plan. In most cases, hair transplant surgery is unnecessary. Simply using the product, or receiving appropriate treatment and nutrients, can resolve the patient's hair problem.

Developing treatment approaches that ensure the patient's comfort. Implanting each hair graft herself and utilizing her treatment experiences in developing and improving the products and services to help relieve patients' hair problems more effectively.

Close monitoring of treatment outcomes at all stages allows the treatment plan to be gradually modified to reflect current circumstances. Dr. Nin is also available to provide guidance and answer patients' questions at any time.

The care items and treatments that Dr. Nin has particularly chosen for Nam Nin's patients are an important component of the treatment path in terms of appropriateness. That is, from simple everyday goods like hair washing shampoo to injecting the treatment directly into the scalp to deeply nourish the hair.

Mojelim Elixir Shampoo
Products for gently cleaning hair and scalp are brought from a Korean hospital that specialized in treating hair. The ingredients have been clinically evaluated and verified to meet criteria without causing skin irritation. Mojelim Elixir Shampoo has outstanding properties that help to maintain the balance of oil and moisture on the scalp, decrease hair loss, and nourish the hair, making it smooth and strong from inside. It is suitable for all hair types, especially dry and greasy ones.

Elixir Hair Serum by NEAT HAIR NUE
A serum for applying to strengthen and shine your hair. Promotes rapid new hair growth while lowering the risk of hair loss. It also helps to prevent premature graying of hair. Elixir Hair Serum contains solely organic components such as butterfly pea flower extracts, horsetail grass, wheat seeds, and cattail.

An oral multivitamin enriched with natural extracts that deeply nourish the hair roots, reducing scalp irritation, oiliness, strengthening the hair, repairing hair tissue, and reducing hair shedding and loss while promoting growth. As a result, the hair gains strength and vigor from inside.

Natural Fixing Spray
Natural Fixing Spray, a gentle styling spray for hair and scalp, contains 100% natural ingredients such as Bulgarian rose water and avocado fruit oil. It not only helps to style hair organically, but it also nourishes it, making it shiny, soft, and smooth without damaging the scalp. It leaves no stains, making it easy to clean and ideal for all hair types.

Premium Hair Booster Treatment
A nourishing injection procedure that Dr. Nin created to strengthen hair at the cellular level. Premium Hair Booster is beneficial for those who have unclosed hair follicles on their scalp, as well as those who are experiencing early-stage hair loss and thinning hair. Hair that was thinning and flat will become thicker and larger with the helping hands of Premium Hair Booster Treatment, providing a look of thicker and darker hair. Apart from that, it will lessen hair loss.

NEAT technique
Dr. Nin further refined the NEAT technique for hair transplantation.  In order to implant hair grafts in the thinning area, they must be removed from the back of the head, where hair has the unique property of falling resistance. The surgeon utilizes a variety of techniques, such as the method of stepped-removal to hide the incision and the method of inserting each hair graft to ensure that the new hair blends in naturally with the surrounding hair. When frontal hair transplantation is performed, the hairline's design is used to create a new facial frame that balances the face's proportions and gives it a youthful appearance.

Created just for hair lovers to assist hair owners restore satisfaction and confidence, these are all of Dr. Nin's hair restoration guidance for returning hair strength and density. A simplest place to start begins with stepping into the Namnin Clinic and speaking with Dr. Nin.

“Thinning Hair” Solve problems in a unique way
Previously, men were associated with hair loss and thinning hair treatments. However, an increasing number of women—from young professionals to the elderly—are seeking the opinion of skilled medical professionals about their thinning hair difficulties. However, there is no one-size-fits-all thinning hair treatment solution. Men and women have different hair thinning patterns and causes, as well as hair concerns. As a result, a hair expert is critical for diagnosing and establishing a personalized treatment plan that addresses the patient's hair issues as quickly as possible.

Here are some basic treatment tips from Dr. Nin, a hair transplant specialist at Nam Nin Clinic, to help women realize that there are options for managing different types of thinning hair.

Thinning hair all over the head
The doctor does not recommend hair transplantation for women with thinning hair in the forehead, middle of the head, or back of the head because it involves removing hair grafts from the Safe Donor Area, located at the back of the head, and implanting them in the problem area. Unlike men, women do not have a Safe Donor Area. That is, some women have very little anti-shedding hair, while others have none at all. The thinning of hair on the back of the head, in particular, shows that the hair in that area is fragile and thin. It is therefore not advisable to remove it and implant it in another region because there is a high risk that the hair graft may also fall out. Furthermore, as no new hair will grow in the area where the hair graft was removed, the lower back of the head will appear even thinner.

However, take it easy. The physician will evaluate each patient individually and design the best strategy for treatment. If the scalp's hair follicles remain open and the hair is little, thin, and weak, the doctor may recommend taking medicine, applying hair serum, consuming vitamins, or injecting Premium Hair Booster Treatment. However, if the hair follicles have already closed or you have gone bald, Premium Hair Booster Treatment is unlikely to help.

Thinning hair only in the middle of the head
If you have thinning hair in the middle of your head, including a wide parting, but your hair at the back of the head is strong, your doctor may suggest a treatment plan that includes medicine, serum, or vitamins, such as Premium Hair Booster Injection Treatment. Hair transplantation, on the other hand, is one of the last options because the doctor will prioritize the patient's hair condition.

Receding hairline on the forehead.
When hair is thinning just on the forehead and hair in other regions is not falling out or causing thinning hair symptoms, the doctor may recommend a hair transplant to reframe facial proportions relying on Golden Ratio principles. Then, boost the effectiveness by using serum, consuming vitamins, or using Premium Hair Booster Injection Treatment, which can be provided on a regular basis under the supervision of a medical professional.

Undoubtedly, the most important part is the physician's ability to assess each patient's condition individually and develop a preliminary plan of care that may or may not include a hair transplant. To improve efficiency, continuous, regular monitoring of the findings is required. Patients who return to Dr. Nin for treatment and hair care because they are delighted with the results and appreciate her honest, straightforward approach ensure all of this.

Appointments can be made through the following channels if you would like to consult with Dr. Nin:
Line@ : namninclinic
โทร. 093-093-5639
Gray hair after hair transplant
Do you have to worry about gray hair after a hair transplant?

Before answering this question, let's first understand the occurrence of gray hair after a hair transplant. "Gray hair" is caused by an abnormality in the functioning of melanocyte cells that produce the melanin pigment in the hair and makes the hair naturally dark. When melanocytes don't work properly or stop producing melanin or pigment, gray or white hair happens.

In the hair transplant process, there are some steps that cause small wounds on the scalp, such as excision, and removal of hair grafts. This may cause oxidative stress cells on the scalp, including melanocyte death. This oxidative stress in cells that makes pigment dysfunction causes some patients experience gray hair in the donor area or the nearby area.

Regarding NEAT hair transplant technique, Dr. Nin will be the one who plans and supervises every process including selecting the appropriate equipment and supervising the multidisciplinary team. At Namnin, a special tiny and adjustable equipment is used, to suit the different sizes of hair grafts of each patient. In addition, Dr. Nin closely supervise the multidisciplinary team to ensure that they perform the procedure meticulously in order to prevent and minimize damage to the scalp. When the patient is not stressed, the cells are not stressed as well.

Gray hair after a hair transplant is a temporary condition. That is, when the dermis recovers and the cells resume functional, the hair will return to its original dark color. However, the symptoms, severity and characteristic of gray hair after a hair transplant will vary from person to person and cannot be predicted. 

Dr. Nin truly understands the feelings of anxiety caused by a lack of information, expectations, and unpredictable conditions that each patient may encounter after a hair transplant. She is therefore the one who monitors the results of the treatment herself. If you have any questions or concerns, you can consult us at any time. This is to make 1-year period after hair transplant a time of peace of mind, comfort, and impressiveness.

Get back to the question, “Do you have to worry about gray hair after a hair transplant?”. If every step of a hair transplant is performed carefully, correctly and meticulously, with good follow-up care, gray hair is not something to worry about.” However, please note that even though the hair transplant is completed within a day, the final outcome depends on post-operative care, professional follow-up, and close consultation after the hair transplant.

We are confident that at Namnin, besides taking care of your hair with true understanding, "Namnin" also takes care of the patient’s mind so that the new hair will be as planned and desired.

Four major concerns after a hair transplant
One of the concerns of those who are about to undergo a hair transplant or even those who are looking up information to decide on a hair transplant, is side effects and complications after a hair transplant. Many people therefore probably have similar questions, that is to say, “Will it hurt after a hair transplant?”, “Will the head and face become swollen?”, “Will the scars from the hair transplant be clearly visible?”, “What to do if the newly implanted hair falls out?” There are many questions that may pop into your head.

You will feel at ease if you are Namnin’s customer. These worries will be alleviated because the doctor will explain each step thoroughly, clearly, easily understood, and straightforwardly. The patient will be made aware of preparation before a hair transplant surgery, steps of a hair transplant, taking care of yourself after a hair transplant procedure, and appointments to be made during one year after a hair transplant. This is to make the patients clearly understand what will happen and what may occur. 

In this section, we have gathered information and details of four common concerns that may occur after a hair transplant:

1. Wounds on the back of head
It should be first understood that hair transplantation involves moving the patient’s hair follicles, with falling-out resistant property, from a high-density donor area, to a recipient area. 

Therefore, a wound after excision and removing the hair graft is considered common when it comes to a hair transplant procedure. However, Namnin's doctor has many helpers to help our patients hide the wounds smoothly.

To begin with, the doctor uses a bunch of standard equipment like an excision device and implanter pen that comes in various sizes so that it can be adjusted to suit the size of hair graft of each patient.

Additionally, the doctor applies an excision technique to remove the hair graft without shaving. Importantly, with stepped-removal technique, the wounds caused by the surgery are hidden smoothly so the patient can freely do the hairstyle you desire. 

2.Facial swelling
In hair transplant procedure, two local anesthetic injections are used:

  • First injection: A local anesthetic will be injected into the occipital area (donor area) before excision and removal of hair follicles.

  • Second injection: another local anesthetic will be injected into the area where the hair grafts will be implanted (recipient area).

Local anesthetic injection is often a point where the patient is worried about pain. That’s because the techniques for minimizing anesthetic injection will vary based on the expertise of each physician. At Namnin Clinic, Dr. Nin will gently perform anesthetic injection by herself, calculating the appropriate amount of local anesthetic, so the patients will be relieved of anxiety.

With Dr. Nin's unique technique, after undergoing a hair transplant, at Nam Nin, you do not have to wear a forehead band and you will hardly experience any swelling. The patients will be free from anxiety and able to resume their day-to-day activities right after finishing the procedure.

3. Itching scalp after a hair transplant
Itching scalp after a hair transplant is normal. It can be caused by one or many reasons at once, for example:

  • A hair transplant causes many small wounds on the scalp, disturbing the nerve and causing itching and numbness.

  • As the scalp is healing after undergoing a hair transplant, the scalp is covered with dried blood and other fluids that aid the healing process, causing itching.

  • Effects of histamine in the blood which causes irritation.

After a hair transplant, you should avoid touching, itching or scratching your scalp to prevent inflammation and infection. At Namnin Clinic, after a hair transplant, the patients will be provided a set of selected self-care products for day-to-day use. These selected products are truly gentle, helping you clean your scalp and hair and calm itching.

4. Hair shedding after two weeks of hair transplant (Shock Loss)
Shock Loss is a hair phenomenon occurring after a hair transplant, worrying many patients. Shock loss is when the newly implanted hair suddenly falls out. Please note that it is normal to shed your transplanted hair following a hair transplant. Don’t worry! Your new hairs will grow in their place in the next six months.

In some cases, Shock Loss may not occur. Your newly implanted hair continues to grow perfectly.

In addition to explanation of complications, symptoms and side effects that may occur after a hair transplant, Dr. Nin will follow up at every stage for one year and be ready for answering questions and giving advice closely. Therefore, our patients can be at ease and look forward to seeing the best result of newly grown hair.

Widening Hair Part - It's not difficult to fix
In addition to worrying about receding hairline, a broad forehead, and noticeably thinning hair all over the head, the problem of wide hair part is another worrying problem. Moreover, if the widening part is left untreated and you do not find the appropriate treatment to stop it, it may lead to the thinning hair until the scalp is clearly visible.

In general, a broad hair part is considered a certain type of thinning hair that is more common in women. It is mainly caused by heredity and the habit of parting and tying the hair too tight each day, which affects the direction of hair growth. Tying the hair too tight damages your hair roots. Aging is another cause of wide hair part.

What signs of wide part should I be concerned about?
Due to aging, most women will begin to notice a sign of thinning hair in the middle of the head, which appears as a clearly visible wide part. Thinning hair can be divided according to severity into 4 stages as follows:

  • Stage 1: Noticed by hair shedding of more than 200 strands a day.

  • Stage 2: The amount of hair growing in the middle of the head decreases.

  • Stage 3: The hair part resembles a Christmas tree and the scalp is clearly visible.

  • Stage 4: There is no new hair growing at the hair part. The scalp is clearly visible and looks like no pores exist. 

How to prevent a wide hair part
In addition to heredity, daily behavior is another important factor of broad part. To prevent widening part, we recommend the following practices:

  • Change the parting of your hair, for example, from a middle parting to a parting to the left or right instead. This is to adjust the direction and orientation of new hair.

  • Avoid tying your hair or pulling it too tight because it may harm and damage the hair roots and make them weak.

  • Avoid excessive heat styling or using chemicals on your hair and scalp, such as hair perming, straightening, and coloring.

  • Use gentle hair and scalp care products to prevent hair falling-out.

  • Do not comb your hair while it is wet to prevent hair breakage or hair falling-out.

  • Eating a balanced diet for healthy hair such as protein to strengthen the hair roots.

However, if you are facing a severe problem of widening hair part, it is better to consult a doctor at the initial stage (stage 1-2) in order to receive a diagnosis of the root cause and receive appropriate treatment immediately to prevent a wider part that can lead to bigger problems.

Importantly, if a treatment is started at an early stage, results will be seen quickly and in a timely manner and you can save treatment costs as well. What is the best treatment method with the least pain but delightful results? 

Premium Hair Booster (PHB) Program, a treatment for a wide hair part without surgery

The problem of widening hair part is mainly caused by genetics. Even though a hair transplant can help make the hair thicker and denser, there is a chance that a wide part will become more noticeable in the future. Therefore, at Namnin, we will deal with the problem of hereditary wide part and hair loss in women where a hair transplant is not the right answer, with our special technique, no surgery, no recovery required, that is Premium Hair Booster (PHB) program.

Premium Hair Booster (PHB), formulated by Namnin's expert doctors, is a treatment packed with biomolecules, vitamins, proteins, and nutrients necessary to nourish the hair roots, which will deeply nourish the hair follicles.

What's more, with PHB program, you will notice the delightful results from the first time you receive the treatment, for instance:
  • your hair loss will be reduced within 3-7 days after receiving the treatment;
  • newly-grown hair will be noticed in 1-3 months after receiving the treatment;
  • your hair will become thicker and denser in 2-4 months; and
  • within 6-9 months, you will see the obvious change and expected result delightfully.

In addition, Premium Hair Booster (PHB) is a convenient way to fix a wide hair part because it does not cause pain and you do not need to worry about side effects, wounds or scars.

For anyone who is worried about a wide part and signs of thinning hair, you can rest easy because a wide part can be fixed without surgery or a hair transplant. Namnin would like to recommend the Premium Hair Booster Injection. Results can be guaranteed by our patients who have chosen this alternative to revitalize and strengthen the hair roots from within, and make it denser and shinier than before.

For effective and targeted treatment, if you notice a sign of thinning hair like a wide hair part, you should consult a doctor to evaluate symptoms and design a correct and appropriate treatment as soon as possible. This will help you stop the spreading thinning hair problem before it causes you to lose your confidence.

Hair transplant technique “Properly Frame Your Face”
“Facial Frame” is an important variable for making your face “beautiful”. Especially for women, different facial frames give different looks. For example, if you have a facial frame with relatively high or receding hairline on their forehead, it makes you look older than the actual age, which consequently decreases self-confidence and social impression.

The “hair transplant” procedure is not only a solution to the problem of hair loss and baldness, but also an opportunity for “Reframing the Face”. At Namnin Clinic, hair transplant has both scientific and artistic meanings. Dr. Nin therefore, never neglect utilizing the medical science of hair transplantation to address hair loss and thinning hair, as well as applying an artistic perspective to enhance the natural beauty of the patient's face.

One of the important steps that the doctor needs to use her special artistic expertise is “Reframing the Face” through designing and drawing the hairline properly with the use of the Golden Ratio Principle. Reframing the Face will also help to make the patient's facial shape more proportional and attractive. In this step, the patient can share and express his/her needs and co-design the facial frame with the doctor. The doctor will always design a facial frame to most suit the patient's individual style or personality because we understand how important personality and beauty are for women.

Reframing the face to come out exactly as desired is not an easy task. It requires the skills and experience of highly-skilled doctors. To preserve the properties of hair follicles after removal, those hair grafts must be soaked in a preservation solution before being analyzed and trimmed to obtain the grafts that are suitable for implanting in each area the most.

As each person's hair on the scalp has the differences in size, thickness, and density, especially the number of hair strand per hair graft. This is the key to growing hair to create a facial frame without failure. If the selection of appropriate hair grafts is overlooked, the new hairline will definitely look unnatural.

At Namnin Clinic, Dr. Nin pays special attention to selection of hair grafts to create a beautiful, proportionate facial frame. This is a delicate and meticulous process. Commonly, the doctor divides the hair transplant region into 3 zones:

The outermost area of the hairline: this region contains the softest and finest hair strands. Therefore, a single-strand graft must be used. (a single-strand graft or called a single follicle means a graft consisting of one strand per graft). In addition, the hair being used needs to be a fine follicle so that it will blend in with the existing native hair.

Close to the hairline is a larger strand of hair. The doctors therefore choose a single-follicle graft of normal size to be implanted in this region.

The last region is the deep side part. Hair grown in this zone is noticeably denser and thicker strands. The doctors therefore choose hair grafts with 2 - 4 hair strand per graft (called Multiple follicles), which is the majority of hair on the head.

It can be concluded that when the hair grafts are meticulously and carefully selected as mentioned, the newly implanted grafts are distributed in a gradient from front to back with a natural look. Especially when combined with the doctor's hair transplant skills and expertise in determining a precise direction and angle, appropriate depth, as well as the right density, it results in a new hairline looking smooth and so natural that you hardly know it's newly implanted hair. In addition, once we have a new facial frame that helps improve the face shape to have balanced proportions, finally the beauty glows.

Combining Two Powerful Solutions to Stop Hair Loss NEAT + Premium Hair Booster
We believe that each question doesn't always have only one correct answer. Wouldn't it be better if we could combine two solutions to solve the problem with the better and more efficient results?

“NEAT Hair Transplant Technique” is the right answer for those who are experiencing problems of hair loss and thinning hair which may lead to baldness. NEAT helps you fill in the sparse/thinning areas with your own hair grafts removed from the lower back of the head. If the newly implanted hair is taken good care of, it will stay with you for the rest of your life.

However, there are cases where hair transplantation alone cannot completely solve the problem of thinning hair. As a matter of fact, each patient's hair problem has different levels of severity and different factors. In this case, Dr. Nin, the doctor and owner of Namnin Clinic, will help analyze and may recommend combining two methods of treatment at once. That is to say, after undergoing a hair transplant surgery, we would recommend “Premium Hair Booster Treatment Injection,” a convenient solution for hair lovers that helps to increase the thickness, density, shine and strength of the hair satisfactorily.

Get to know NEAT
NEAT is an advanced hair transplant technique, exclusive to Namnin. NEAT relies on implanting hair grafts removed from the occipital area, which is an area containing hair follicles which will generally remain throughout a patient's lifetime. The hair grafts in the Safe Donor region have special properties of strength, durability, and not easily falling out. That’s why the hair in this area is commonly chosen for harvesting hair grafts. To perform NEAT procedure, our skilled and experienced doctor will be the only one who performs the graft-by-graft and strand-by-strand hair transplant procedure, along with techniques developed to enhance the treatment efficiency and effectiveness as well as to deliver the comfort and convenience to our patients.

We have also selected quality hair transplant equipment, imported from abroad, to enable the precision and safety. Importantly, NEAT is a combination of the skills of doctors in terms of science and art. That is, the doctor utilizes the reliable medical science in hair transplantation while also applying an artistic perspective for beauty enhancement. That's because we understand how much the hair means to a patient's appearance, personality, and self-confidence.

Get to know Premium Hair Booster Treatment
Premium Hair Booster Treatment is a convenient treatment because the booster is injected into the target area of the scalp, provided that the hair follicles remain open and continue to regenerate. Premium Hair Booster will directly nourish the flat and thin hair and make it become thicker, denser and stronger, as well as slow down hair falling out and stimulate the hair growth.

The result to be expected is the hair that looks thicker, shinier, and healthier from within. Premium Hair Booster Treatment is highly safe method without any side effects, leaving no scars, and requiring no recovery so you can have the treatments several times under the doctor’s guidance.

Who is NEAT + Premium Hair Booster suitable for?
Actually, many patients can end their hair loss and thinning problems with just one NEAT hair transplant. However, there are many cases where the doctor recommends only Premium Hair Booster Injection without having to undergo a hair transplant provided that the patients come with early stages of hair loss.

Commonly, there are many cases where doctors have analyzed that combining two solutions, NEAT and Premium Hair Booster Treatment, will be the most perfect answer to the patient's concerns. The following examples are the suggested cases:

  • Patients with thinning hair covering larger areas than can be corrected with a hair transplant alone;

  • The patient has too few hair grafts left in the Safe Donor Region, located at the lower back of the head, and that’s not enough for implanting into areas with thinning hair problems thoroughly;

  • Patients who have had a hair transplant surgery before but the outcome were unsuccessful, which may have been due to ineffective treatment (In this case, it means that some of the usable hair grafts has already been removed so the remaining number of hair grafts is likely to be insufficient for the second hair transplant).

  • Patients who have undergone a hair transplant but neglected taking care of their hair continuously, causing the new hair to fall out or baldness in nearby areas due to lack of proper care.

  • Patients who come to see the doctor when they are old and have been experiencing severe thinning hair or too many problem areas, like thinning hair on crown and along the hairline at once. By aging, it is often found that the hair grafts themselves will deteriorate as well. That means the usable hair grafts that can actually be removed for implantation are even less.

  • Patients who are still young but let the problem of thinning hair to continue for many years without seeking an effective treatment early, are also likely to have severe hair thinning that cannot rely on hair transplantation alone.

Consult a doctor to design a treatment plan specifically for you
If you are concerned about the following matters: Is the thinning hair problem we are facing considered severe? How ready are the special hair grafts available on the back of the head for a hair transplant? Are you the one who needs to solve thinning hair problem by combining two options, that is, NEAT and Premium Hair Booster Treatment, together? The best way to relieve your worries is to come talk and consult a doctor so that the doctor can help analyze the problem and current condition, design a personalized treatment approach that is most suitable for each patient. As each patient has different problems, conditions, limitations, and needs, the doctor will listen to the patient carefully and friendly and ask the patient to design a treatment plan together to reach the desired destination.

For example, one patient has problems with thinning hair in many areas but the usable hair grafts left in the Safe Donor Region are insufficient for a thorough implantation. Planning together with the doctor can help him/her determine in which areas he/her needs to address the problem first (the most worrying area). For example, a patient wants first to correct the wider or thinning hairline because it is the point that helps enhance confidence when meeting people. For thinning hair on crown, an injection of Premium Hair Booster Treatment may help to gradually make the hair look thicker and denser. In this way, this patient can solve the problem of thinning hair in both areas at the same time as desired.

As Premium Hair Booster Injection is highly safe, you can have this treatment both before and after undergoing a hair transplant surgery. The frequency of treatments depends on each person's problem condition as well. Typically, after getting a hair transplant, you may receive Premium Hair Booster Treatments every 2 - 4 weeks continuously for 1 year. In order to ensure the satisfactory results, the doctor will always follow-up on the progress and adjust the treatment plan to be most appropriate at all times.

Attention is the Key
The key to combining two solutions to successfully solve the thinning hair problem is the care of Dr. Nin. that each patient will be given from the days of discussion and consultation, designing an effective treatment method, and implanting hair grafts strand-by-strand. After that, for one year, our doctor will always give advice and answer patients' questions sincerely. All of this becomes a friendship and bond between the doctor and the patient, on the path of hair treatment and restoration that is waiting for you to come and prove it yourself today.
Hair Loss after Facelift Surgery! How to correct it?
Facelift surgery is one of widely popular procedures to restore a youthful face and firm skin. But did you know that the facelift can cause hair loss problems?

Causes of hair loss after facelift surgery
During facelift surgery, your surgeon will make incisions around the hairline and behind the ears to lift and tighten the skin and then suture the wounds. Sometimes, undergoing a facelift procedure may have some side effects, that is, it may cause wounds along the hairline that prevent the hair from growing, and eventually lead to thinning hair problems.

In addition, the cause of hair loss after a facelift is an abnormal physical condition, called “Shock Loss”. Shock Loss results in temporary hair loss that is similar to postpartum hair loss. It is caused by the hair being more stressed than usual due to a damage to the hair roots and injured skin, especially from incisions and sutures.

In addition, the research shows that more than 8.4% of those who have undergone facelift surgery have experienced post-surgery hair loss caused by Telogen Effluvium, or acute hair loss approximately two months after the facelift procedure.

After undergoing a facelift procedure, you will notice that the hairline becomes thinner along the stiches, making the wounds and stiches clearly visible. Based on the medical report, it is believed that the cause of thinning hair is that the hair follicles have been damaged due to too-tight surgical sutures, leading to acute hair loss.

However, Shock Loss or Telogen Effluvium, hair loss after a facelift, can be reversible within 6-8 months after the surgery. Your hair will usually grow back and become thick and strong again. However, in some cases, they may have to face this condition for many years. Therefore, if you want your hair to be recovered faster, it's best to consult an expert doctor like Namnin Clinic to help you solve the problem as soon as possible.

How to stop hair loss after facelift surgery?
Hair loss after a facelift procedure is an inevitable symptom. However, aside from waiting for the hair roots to naturally recover and be strong again, which takes longer than 6-8 months, we can also look for options to stimulate and nourish the hair follicles, such as medication, hair transplant, or even biomolecules injections deeply nourishing the hair follicles, like Premium Hair Booster Treatment (PHB) program at Namnin.

Premium Hair Booster Treatment, a helper to address hair loss after a facelift procedure
Premium Hair Booster Treatment is a premium program to boost hair growth and scalp health, relying on a variety of ingredients, including biomolecules, protein, as well as various vitamins developed by Namnin's expert doctors.

PHB Treatment can help inhibit the inflammatory mechanism of hair follicles, repair damaged hair follicles and effectively slow down the deterioration of hair follicles. The satisfactory changes can be noticed within 1-3 times of receiving the service.
• Hair loss after a facelift will be gradually reversible and hair loss will be reduced within 3-7 days.
• New hair begins to grow, that is, a hairline and hair stumps growing in 1-3 months after injection.
• Hair is thicker and looks denser than before approximately 2-4 months after injecting Premium Hair Booster Treatment.

It can be said that Namnin's Premium Hair Booster Treatment program is an effective option for addressing hair loss after a facelift procedure. Namnin's Premium Hair Booster Treatment not only stimulates the function of hair follicles and nourish the hair deeply, it is also a pain-free solution which leaves no scars, and does not require recovery time. More importantly, you can also clearly see the results of the change in a short period of time.

5 Way to stop female baldness
Answering questions: What causes excessive hair loss?

Hair is something that many people pay special attention to because it is one of the essential elements of the face that helps enhance the appearance and personality. Therefore, it is very important to take care of and nourish your hair to keep it healthy at all times.

It is normal for hair to fall out every day naturally. However, when too may hairs fall out, it can be a sign of a worrying problem. What causes this problem? What are the ways to treat it? Namnin will help you clear your doubts.

What causes excessive hair loss?

The severity of hair loss varies from person to person. Normally, about 50-100 strands of human hair fall out each day, which is considered normal because there are up to 100,000 strands of hair on the head. Hair shedding is a natural process of hair growth cycle, the new hair replaces the gone one.

Unfortunately, as we age, the density of our hair decreases as well. As the hair's life cycle is shorter, hair falls out more frequently. The hair will gradually thin out and may no longer grow for replacement.

In addition, genetics is a common cause of hair loss. If most of members in the family have thinning hair, it can be passed on genetically as well. Other factors that cause hair loss are:

  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Illnesses such as scalp infections, diseases causing wounds on the scalp, and thyroid disease, etc.
  • Surgery
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, postpartum condition, or menopause.
  • Effects of medications used to treat cancer, depression, or high blood pressure.
  • Crash diets
  • Fever (High Temperature)
  • Nutrient deficiency, such as iron or protein deficiency, etc.

When is it called “excessive hair loss”?

Each day, it is normal for hair to fall out, but the amount will be very small compared to the total amount of hair on the head. In most cases, women will have more hair loss than men, approximately 100-150 strands, depending on the condition of the hair and overall health.

For men, an average of 50-60 strands of hair will be lost each day. If it is more than this, you should notice that an abnormality is occurring. It is not necessary to count the exact number of hair strands, but you can observe it yourself by observing the amount of hair that falls when you wash and comb your hair, and those fall on your pillow or on the floor.

How can excessive hair loss be treated?
Hair loss is a problem that causes great concern, but there are possible ways to treat it as follows:

Taking vitamin supplements 

The first method that can help treat hair loss is taking vitamin supplements. Whenever the body lacks certain nutrients that are necessary for the hair, it will cause the hair roots to become weak and easily fall out.

Namnin's hair nourishing vitamin, namely VITAMIN H, helps nourish the hair follicles so that there are sufficient nutrients for hair regeneration. Hair will be denser and stronger. VITAMIN H combines the benefits of:

  • Extracts from brown rice and cactus help reduce oiliness and inflammation of the scalp
  • Biotin helps strengthen hair
  • Zinc Gluconate helps promote hair growth
  • Iron Amino Acid Chelate helps reduce hair loss and add nutrients to feed the hair follicles 
  • Vitamin B Premix helps nourish hair to make it soft, smooth, and healthy.

All of these hair nourishing nutrients are already packed in VITAMIN H. Beautiful and healthy hair starts with strong hair roots.

Taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor

Another way, the most effective way, to treat and end the problem of excessive hair loss is to see a doctor to analyze the root cause of the problem and design the most appropriate treatment. The doctor will prescribe medication to reduce hair loss based on the symptoms and causes of hair loss. Doctors often prescribe both topical and oral medications, or additional procedures may be performed depending on the hair problem.

Hair nourishing treatment

Hair nourishing treatment is another method that can help treat hair loss as well. It helps stimulate the hair growth and also helps nourish and maintain existing hair to be stronger.

If you are looking for an effective hair nourishing treatment with satisfactory results, we’d like to recommend Namnin Premium Hair Booster treatment, a uniquely innovative hair root nourishing treatment.

Premium Hair Booster will stimulate the hair follicles for better hair growth from within and also help the hair follicles repair themselves and resume functional more efficiently.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a form of medicine that applies low-level (low-power) lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface of the scalp. It stimulates hair follicles and hair growth by boosting blood circulation to optimize the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and improve the cell functionality.

Hair transplantation

Another sustainable way to deal with hair loss is hair transplantation. This method is very notable these days because its results can be seen distinctively. At Namnin, we are now offering a state-of-the-art hair transplant program, namely NEAT.

NEAT Technique is a uniquely special technique developed by Namnin where every procedure is under the supervision of a doctor with expertise in treatment and problem analysis and evaluation. Treatment planning is tailored to each individual's problems. Every single hair graft is implanted by a doctor only to ensure that the patient will have a beautiful hairline with the right direction and orientation of hair. With NEAT, recovery is nothing to be mentioned.

If you are facing the problem of thinning hair, don't worry! Namnin offers a variety of solutions that can effectively treat and alleviate your hair loss symptoms. However, if you have noticed a sign of thinning hair, you should not leave it. We recommend that you consult a doctor immediately to evaluate the symptoms and find appropriate treatment methods so that you can prevent it from becoming more severe, uncontrollable, or even unmanageable, which means a higher price to pay.

Are Hair Transplants worth it?
For those who have chosen hair transplantation as a permanent solution to the problem of hair loss and thinning hair and those who are about to decide which hair transplant clinic to receive a service from, one of the most important factors is the "price". These days, there are many different prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, to get a hair transplant surgery. The question is, do those prices reflect the effectiveness of hair transplants? Does paying more really mean more success?

In fact, the price seen may not be a complete indicator of 100% result of a hair transplant because marketing expenses are often added. What is more important than "price" is " worthiness”.

At this point, you may be wondering what you have to consider. Namnin therefore have made a checklist to assess if it is worth paying for a hair transplant surgery so that you can make a right decision carefully and worthily with complete information in hand.

Survey the opinions of customers who have already used services

Start by reading the reviews of hair transplantation services from real patients to see what feedback has been shared about their treatment experiences. Did the results really help solve their problem of hair loss and thinning hair? You may study the information given by doctors of each clinic to well know about different ways of giving advice. This is to initially assess the reliability in order to seek an opportunity to get a treatment that best suits your needs.

Who's Qualified to Perform a Hair Transplant Procedure?

This is a question that sometimes may be overlooked. But actually, this is one of the most important questions to be answered. The person who will perform the hair transplant procedure is not only a doctor possessing expertise in hair transplantation. A multidisciplinary team comprising skilled personnel is considered as the indispensable supporter. The level of qualifications, skills, and experiences required depend on the technique and treatment approach that the patient has chosen. Once we know who will perform the hair transplant for us, it will be easier to determine the worthiness of the price paid.

Talking with a doctor in person

Is the information or images seen on the internet true? It's time to prove it by stepping in to talk with a doctor at a hair transplant clinic. Let's see what your perception will be.

  • How much knowledge do doctors have and how do they convey that knowledge?
  • How well do doctors listen to and understand your problems and needs, which will lead to designing a treatment strategy together to best meet the patient's needs?
  • Is the doctor’s analysis personalized? As each patient has different and unique problems, a universal treatment does not exist.
  • Is the doctor sincere in giving advice based on reality? For example, in case where the hair problem is so severe that the hair cannot be implanted to restore its full density, how does the doctor tell us about that and suggest a solution?
  • Does the doctor have any interesting techniques for hair transplantation? How does it help us be more comfortable?
  • How reliable is the hair transplant procedure the doctor explained to you?

All of this will help us reduce anxiety in undergoing a hair transplant surgery and make it easier to choose the right clinic.

Standardized place & equipment

Be sure to check the cleanliness, and standardization of medical equipment as well as places where the hair transplant procedure is performed, to avoid the risk of infection. The equipment the doctor has chosen, that are instruments used for removing and implanting hair grafts and preserving solution, should be reliable and designed with modern technology. The doctor's adequate attention and meticulousness can be seen during removing hair grafts, preparing hair follicles, and implanting each hair graft. These are what Namnin recommended to observe.

Does the clinic help you get prepared for a Hair Transplant Surgery?

The worthiness of hair transplant services is not only measured by the end results but it can be noticed from the beginning of the treatment journey like the process of preparation. Imagine how nervous the patients would be about getting their first hair transplant surgery! However, if they choose a clinic and a doctor who can help them get "prepared" well, they will be free from worry.

A good clinic should be able to help you prepare in many matters. For example, the good clinic should explain about the hair transplant procedure in an easy-to-understand way that gives an overall picture of the entire process; give advice on DOs and DON'Ts such as food and medicine, things that should be avoided before the day of hair transplant, proper exercise, sleep, and clothing that should be worn on hair transplant day for convenience.

The day of hair transplant surgery...One day that will change you into a new person

The day of hair transplant surgery is a crucial day that you should study information and prepare in advance. This is because there are many factors that will help you more clearly assess the worthiness of hair transplants, for example, the treatment methods chosen by doctors and techniques designed to eliminate patient pain points which make the patients feel more comfortable such as wound-hiding hair removal, a technique to hide the wound occurred after hair transplant.

In addition, other factors you should consider include professional attention provided by the medical team and personnel, comfort and convenience in receiving services, and side effects such as pain, swelling, and bruising. A good medical team is the one that will help you feel at ease and rest assured throughout the treatment process.

One-year treatment path

Hair transplantation does not end on the day of the surgery. The journey must continue for another full year after that. As newly implanted hair needs time to gradually grow according to its natural cycle, it is therefore important to choose a hair transplant clinic that will not abandon the patient. A good clinic must look after patients; follow up on the results; give useful advice on recovery practice, selection of haircare product; as well as recommend treatment services, for reducing the risk of hair loss and increasing the survival rate. Moreover, a good hair transplant clinic should allow patients to consult and ask questions at any time, which is considered as a part of worthiness in terms of "time" and "attention" as well.

New hair, the outcome that satisfies you

  • Short-term and long-term outcome is a key indicator of the worthiness of investing in your hair transplant. Matters you should bear in mind are:
  • After undergoing a hair transplant surgery, your problem of thinning hair is solved and your hair looks denser.
  • The direction of the newly grown hair blends in with the original hair naturally, not grow in the wrong direction.
  • should be smooth with natural look and creates the brighter face framing 
  • For hair implanted on the top of the head (the crown), it should grow in the same direction with the original hair. 
  • The density of the newly grown hair should be appropriate, not too few grafts but not too many until the hair fall out easily.
  • The survival rate of newly grown hair is high and the hair doesn’t fall out abnormally.
  • The new hair is properly designed to suit the patient's gender, age, and needs.

This is a checklist that hair lovers should not overlook in order to evaluate the worthiness of hair transplant to be chosen. Please note that there is no right or wrong in hair transplant pricing. It all depends on whether or not the investment delivers the results that meet your expectation. 

As this hair transplant may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you, choose the right one...

Is it time to treat your "Hair Loss"?
It's normal for your hair to fall out every day naturally. When hair falls out, new hair will grow to replace it endlessly throughout the life of the hair owner. It’s a natural matter.

But how do we know that each day the number of hairs that fall out when we wash and comb our hair, or fall on the pillow, becomes a problem of “hair loss”, “thinning hair”, or “baldness” that we have to worry about? Do we need to consult a doctor or get treatment immediately before it's too late?

The symptom of “hair loss” can be the result of many factors. One of them, which we are all familiar with, is “Hereditary hair loss” that is passed down in families from generation to generation. Although genetics is the main cause of hair loss in men, women have a chance of genetic hair loss but in different amounts.

Not only that, the following causes may also increase women's risk of hair loss:
  • Aging
  • Congenital disease
  • Hormone levels 
  • Postpartum condition
  • Stress

Everyday behaviors, which you may have done without realizing that they can cause weakened hair and hair loss, are the matters you should avoid:
Excessive use of harsh chemicals and heat hair styling 
  • Washing your hair the wrong way
  • Poor nutrition and crash diets
  • Sleeping late and lack of sleep
  • Smoking and tobacco use

As for how to observe whether your hair loss symptom is still at a normal level or you should hurry to see a doctor for a treatment, it can be observed by “the number of hairs that fall out”. Normally, up to 70 - 100 strands of hair fall out a day. If more than that amount of hair falls out for several days in a row, there’s something wrong.

In addition to this, various patterns of hair loss may also be observed, such as thinning of hair all over your scalp, not just in one area or patch, or known as “acute alopecia”. Each person will lose more or less hair, but it will not reach the level of baldness. It is caused by the hair entering the Telogen Phase, a resting period, due to diseases as well as mental conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression.

In some cases, the symptom “Alopecia areata” may occur. Alopecia areata is a disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss. Causes of Alopecia areata include stress and lack of sleep. If it’s caused by genetics, you will notice that the hair thinning begins around the hair part first and then expands to the sides.

Therefore, if you feel that you are experiencing unusually excessive hair loss, the first thing you should do is to come talk and consult with Namnin's expert doctor. Your doctor will help you make a personalized diagnosis to determine the root cause of your hair loss, and then design an appropriate treatment program. In addition to treatment by taking hair loss medication as recommended by the doctor, the doctor will recommend the following alternatives for nourishing the hair and relieving hair loss symptom safely:

  • Elixir Hair Serum by NEAT HAIRNUE obtained from 100% natural ingredients to gently nourish the hair.
  • VITA H, derived from medical research, comprises carefully selected vitamins and beneficial extracts to deeply nourish the hair roots.
  • Injecting Premium Hair Booster directly into the scalp in areas with thinning hair problems to stimulate the hair follicles, reducing hair falls, accelerating new hair growth, and strengthening the hair. The result is that thin and flat hair becomes thicker and denser.

Importantly, in the process of hair loss treatment, there is a success factor that cannot be overlooked, which is, "time". That is, the sooner we notice abnormalities and consult a doctor at an early stage, the greater the chance of most effectively hair restoration and revitalization.

Premium Hair Booster The right solution for women with thinning hair
One of the common problems occurring in women in their 30s, other than backache, fatness, and worsening eyesight, is “Hair loss and Thinning hair”. Women are always concerned about their hair problem because the hair represents their attractiveness, youthfulness, and beauty.

Hair loss and thinning hair in women can be caused by genetic factors passed down from generations to generations in the family, hormone levels, aging, side effects of disease, stress, or pregnancy and childbirth, and nutrient deficiencies. In addition, daily habits, such as using too much heat or chemicals in hairstyling, and nutrient deficiencies, can lead to weak hair and falling out as well.

If you look closely, you will see that male and female hair loss is quite different. This is to say, male hair loss usually begins with receding hairline, bald spot on the top of the head, then bald head. But for female hair loss, it gradually begins at the hair part and then expands to the sides. Luckily, women never get bald heads like men does.

Although the severity of thinning hair in women may not seem as severe as in men, it can cause distress and undermine the self-confidence of women of all ages. Todays, some women begin to notice “Thinning Hair” at their early 20s. Every problem has a solution! If you hurry and consult the doctor, there are various options specifically designed for women's thinning hair problem at Namnin.

One of the alternatives that the doctor recommends in addition to hair transplant is Premium Hair Booster Treatment, a hair care program deeply nourishes at the cellular level with biomolecules, protein nutrients, and various vitamins. Premium Hair Booster Treatment is developed by Namnin's expert doctors to be a restorative aid and booster to make the hair strong and in the meantime reduce the problem of hair loss and thinning hair caused by various causes effectively.

Premium Hair Booster Treatment is therefore a solution for women who have just experienced hair loss and thinning hair in the early stages and seek a way, other than getting a hair transplant, to restore the dense hair. Moreover, those who have already undergone a hair transplantation can increase the density and strength of their hair by receiving Premium Hair Booster injection as well.

Premium Hair Booster will directly nourish your hair at cellular level, stimulate the function of hair follicles, repair damaged cells, inhibit various inflammation, and slow down cell degeneration. Results that can be seen after receiving the first treatment are:
  • reduced hair loss within 3-7 days;
  • stimulated hair growth. The new hair will grow within 1-3 months;
  • the hair looks thicker and denser within 2-4 months;
  • the weak and damaged hair becomes shiny and healthy from within.

After receiving the treatment for 6-9 months, you will see the most obvious results.
The advantage of Premium Hair Booster Treatment is not limited to the delightful outcome. Premium Hair Booster Treatment is also a convenient service because it utilizes an injection of nourishing substances directly into the scalp, without pain, wound, or any side effect. As the safety of patients comes first, the entire treatment will be performed under the doctor’s supervision.  

Namnin's Premium Hair Booster Treatment is therefore the answer for women with thinning hair of all ages.
...Come join us in experiencing the unique hair revitalization.
Just come in to consult and talk with our expert doctor
and mutually plan a right treatment to reach the destination of dense and healthy hair together...

The gender differences in hair loss and thinning hair
Breaking down the gender differences in hair loss and thinning hair!
Hair loss is an unwanted matter because it is both a burden and a loss of confidence, affecting your appearance and attractiveness.

Did you know that hair loss and thinning hair is a common occurrence in both men and women, but the severity varies from person to person due to various factors like age? Hair loss and thinning hair often causes problems in living life especially for women whose hairstyling is as important as clothing.  That is the reason why women pay so much attention to their hair.

Understanding the differences between male and female hair loss

The problem of thinning hair in women usually begins at the parting area, where the scalp can be clearly visible. Then, as the days go by, the hair keeps falling out even more and the bald spot along the parting has expanded, creating a bald spot on the top of the head.

The problem of thinning hair in women is usually caused by hormones and genetics. The severity of thinning hair in women can be divided into three main stages:

  • First stage: In this stage, you will notice that your hair is thinner than usual until the hair part becomes wider and the scalp at the hair parting area is getting clearly visible;
  • Second stage: In this stage, it can be considered a moderate thinning hair problem. You will experience a wider parting and more clearly visible scalp than in the first stag;
  • The final stage: In this stage, the hair is noticeably thinner. The hair part has become widened so that a broad area of the scalp is clearly visible.

Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Men

Commonly, male hair loss begins as a receding hairline or on the top of head. It may occur on the both areas or on one of them. If this hair loss problem is allowed to continue, baldness will knock on your door eventually and you will become bald with hair remaining only behind your ears and on the lower back of head.

The problem of thinning hair in men is generally caused by the DHT hormone which is very potent in stimulating hair follicles. When DHT levels are too high, they can overstimulate hair follicles. This causes the hair become smaller, finer, and lighter. The hair becomes thin and weak. In the case of male pattern baldness, we often see that the hair is still growing on the back of the head. That area is called a Safe Donor Area, that is, it is an area where the hair is not influenced by the aforementioned DHT hormone. This Safe Donor Area is found only in males.

What are the differences between male and female hair thinning?

When comparing the differences in female and male thinning hair, it is found that female thinning hair tends to occur on the top of the head or all over the head rather than on the frontal hairline. Thinning hair in women may not always be solved by a hair transplant because women don’t have Safe Donor Area. This results in women usually having insufficient useable hair and the hair roots are not strong enough for hair transplant.

Can women get a hair transplant? How should women solve the problem of thinning hair?

Although the problem of thinning hair in women and men is different, it should be treated and solved timely to prevent it from becoming unsolvable.  

As women do not have a Safe Donor Area that can be used for transplantation, a hair transplant alone may not be the perfect solution for them. Hair nourishment is something necessary.

At Namnin, we recommend Premium Hair Booster treatment to help women restore the healthy hair. Premium Hair Booster can directly address the problem of thinning hair effectively and can be used to improve the result of hair transplant as well. Premium Hair Booster is an effective way to reverse hair loss in both women and men, regardless of the cause. Continuously nourishing your hair with Premium Hair Booster treatment can help prevent hair loss from becoming an irreversible problem. If you receive the Premium Hair Booster treatment after undergoing the hair transplant, it will help boost the result pleasantly. Although hair loss and thinning hair is a common problem, don’t ignore it until it becomes a severe problem. Always observe any abnormality so that you can find the solution timely.

Whether you are a woman or a man, please feel free to ask for our guidance about receiving Premium Hair Booster injection, or other services and products that meet your needs and help to restore healthy hair, enhance your smile and boost your confidence.

Count 1 to 365 A Mission of "After hair transplant"
What do you think is the most important step in hair transplantation?

We are quite sure that the answer that always pops into people's minds is the day of hair transplant procedure. At Namnin, the doctor will be the one who perform a graft-by-graft implantation to fill in hair loss and thinning areas. But actually...hair transplant doesn't end on the day hair grafts are inserted...This is to say, no matter how well the doctor implanted the hair grafts, the outcome cannot be guaranteed. In the absence of proper care, newly grown hair will weaken and are at risk of falling out.

Therefore, it can be said that the continuous care after hair transplantation is as important as the transplant day. There are no shortcuts for this time-consuming process!! Due to the fact that new hair will grow according to the natural cycle that takes up to one year, a “hand-in-hand mission after hair transplant” of both doctors and patients needs to start and continue to help the newly implanted hair survive and grow strongly, from day 1 to day 365.

Do you know what will happen if we neglect the post-transplant care steps just because we think that the hair transplant is finished and there is nothing to be done after?

  • First of all, imagine your hair grafts have just been implanted and the hair follicles are not yet strong or firmly embedded into the scalp, blood vessels are not yet connected well enough for nutrients delivery. Therefore, there is a risk that the hair roots will become inflamed, weak and fall out easily, in other words it’s called a failure. This is caused by improper activities and practices such as too much exercise or strenuous activity, itching or scratching, improper sleeping position, or even hair washing mistakes. 

  • Next, even if you have undergone a hair transplant, you may unexpectedly experience “baldness” at other areas of the head. Commonly, this is found in patients with hereditary baldness. DHT or Dihydrotestosterone is the key factor that causes the pores to become small abnormally, so the hair becomes smaller, shorter, thinner and weaker as well. Eventually, it leads to hair loss.

Please note that, even though the doctor has removed the hair grafts from the Safe Donor Area (occipital area), which has DHT-resistant property, and implanted in the problem area, the original hair in other area of the head is the old one that is still influenced by DHT hormone. However, with a proper care after hair transplant, it will help to slow down the loss of the original hair in these other areas as well.

365 days after hair transplantation are certainly an important period for doctors to periodically monitor and follow up the results closely as well as providing personalized advice according to the nature of problems that varies from person to person. In the meantime, the patient's cooperation is a must. The hair and scalp need to be treated well according to the doctor's recommendations. As you know, a hair transplant is considered an investment that takes time and money, discipline and attention is required to make this once-in-lifetime investment worthwhile and successful.

With a better understanding of the nature of the hair growth cycle and the needs of our patients, Namnin has designed services and products that will help the path to dense and healthy hair go smoothly with the satisfactory outcome.

Start by using mild hair cleansing products like Mojelim Elixir Shampoo, a hypoallergenic hair care product developed by a Korean hair hospital and clinically tested to contain no ingredients that cause skin irritation. In addition to being suitable for both dry and oily hair, this shampoo also helps maintain a balance between oil and moisture on the scalp. This will result in soft, smooth, and clean hair. Most importantly, it helps reduce the risk of hair loss. Commonly, doctors often recommend using it together with Mojelim Elixir Treatment to deeply nourish the hair.

Next step, restore your healthy from within with an excellent serum, namely Elixir Hair Serum by NEAT HAIRNUE that will directly nourish the hair to stimulate hair regeneration and at the same time reduce falling out and loss of newly grown hair. The highlight of Elixir Hair Serum is its key ingredients that are 100% natural extracts from butterfly pea flowers, horsetail grass, wheat seeds, and cattails, which all help nourish the hair to be shiny, black, and look healthy.

A variety of vitamins is one of the things that directly influence the strength of the hair. Dr. Nin has researched and selected beneficial vitamins and make a multivitamin capsule named VITA H. In addition to being easy to consume, you will also get full benefits from natural extracts that are sources of various vitamins. Extracts from brown rice and cactus fruits help reduce oiliness, acne, and scalp inflammation. D-Biotin helps strengthen the hair structure. Zinc Gluconate helps repair hair tissue and improve hair growth. Iron Amino Acid Chelate helps nourish the hair roots to be strong so it reduces hair loss as well. Finally yet importantly, Vitamin B Premix helps in revitalizing and restoring healthy hair.

Not only that, Namnin would like to present a treatment program that utilizes scalp injections to directly nourish the hair and scalp. Premium Hair Booster Treatment is a treatment which help you revitalize the hair and stimulate hair follicles. This allows new hair to grow better and faster. At the same time, the original thin hair that was once limp will be nourished and then becomes thicker, denser, shinier, and healthier, and doesn't fall out easily. From the very first treatment, results can be seen.

Another advantage of Premium Hair Booster Treatment is the convenience that patients receive because it is a treatment that is not complicated at all. Without any side effects, no recovery is needed, no scars remain. You will be handled by the doctor with the utmost care to ensure your safety. In some cases, you will be recommended receiving other treatments simultaneously for better results.

At Namnin, you could rest assured that all the services and products provided by us are under the supervision and evaluation of doctors based on patient-centered principles because we truly understand that each patient has different problems and severity, including different needs and expectation.

All of this is a 365-day mission after hair transplant that requires cooperation and understanding of both doctor and patients so that the newly implanted hair can fully grow with strong hair roots. Just don't forget to pay attention to the post-operative care. It may take a bit of time but it can lead you to worthwhile results of naturally beautiful hair and confidence restored.

2024 Trends in Hair Transplantation
“Hair transplantation” is considered a branch of medical science that has been internationally recognized and chosen as a solution to solve the problem of hair loss and thinning hair for decades. As of lately, we have seen a noticeable advancement of hair transplantation. It's not just about the number of people receiving hair transplant services that continues to increase but it is about the state-of-the-art techniques of hair transplant that has been developed and improved continuously for more safety, convenience, and comfort.

Namnin would like to invite you to take a look at 2024 Trends in Hair Transplant that we have summarized for hair lovers. ...and you will be amazed that the hair transplant industry in Thailand has developed this far...

When “Hairline” means more!
Hair transplant at the frontal hairline is not only for solving the problem of hair loss and thinning hair, but it also creates an attractive appearance. With designing a new hairline according to the Golden Ratio principles, the patient will have a youthful and attractive look. When you are satisfied with the appearance, your personality will definitely be enhanced.

Disturbing scars...they can be hidden so smoothly.
The time of drilling and removing hair grafts from the back of the head through an invasive surgery, shaving the hair, or traditional methods that leave scars is over because nowadays there are innovative techniques that do not require surgery or shaving the hair any more. This helps to hide the wound smoothly.

Getting a hair transplant, trust only expert doctors 
It's not that anyone can do a hair transplant. In particular, to perform a hair transplantation procedure successfully, it requires a physician who is an expert in hair transplantation with sufficient knowledge, skills, and meticulousness. To implant each hair graft, the doctor needs to take into account the size of the hair, direction and angle in order to ensure that newly implanted hair will be blend in with original one.

“Implanter pen”, a physician’s important helper
In addition to the skills, experience, and attention of doctors, 2024 also brings new technology, namely  Implanter Pen (only 0.6 millimeters in size). With a variety of needle size, doctors can then implant each different hair graft accurately and precisely. Moreover, only small wounds are left. It's no longer as scary as you've heard before.

Today’s Hair transplantation requires much shorter recovery time
As said before, the doctor’s expertise, modern and innovative equipment, including various techniques are all the factors that have elevated the hair transplant procedure, offering utmost convenience to patients. Compared with the traditional methods, today’s hair transplantation is totally different. This is to say, a long recovery period is not needed anymore because of small-sized wound. It heals quickly, so you can return to your normal life faster without restrictions.

One-year follow up by an expert doctor
As newly implanted hair takes time to grow gradually according to the natural cycle, that is why the doctor needs to monitor and follow up closely for at least one year after the surgery. But don’t worry, at Namnin, we all are available for all the patients at any time. It can be said that we will hold hands and walk together until the new hair grows perfectly. Our patients will be not left along the way.

“2024” the year of freedom and confidence 
If you decide to get an effective hair transplant, choose the right choice. A hair transplant not only helps you restore your healthy and beautiful hair out easily, but also hands you an opportunity to unlock yourself to the freedom in hairstyling. No more worry about your thinning hair. Recall your confidence to live life to the fullest every day.

If you are looking for a reliable hair transplant technique for 2024, Namnin would like to present NEAT technique, which has been developed continuously for more and more medical safety and convenience for patients...Choose the NEAT technique, it will definitely never go out of style.

Revitalize your hair with Premium Hair Booster
Premium Hair Booster (an innovative and reliable hair treatment) is designed for all hair lovers seeking a solution to restore their healthy hair naturally from within. It’s also suitable for those who have been experiencing the early signs of hair loss and thinning hair, regardless of causes i.e., genetic factors, health
conditions, stress, malnutrition, or the use of chemicals in hair styling. In this case, Premium Hair Booster can help restore hair density and strength.

In addition, for those who have undergone a hair transplant, Premium Hair Booster can help to strengthen and promote hair growth effectively.

Premium Hair Booster – an innovative remedy for thinning hair
Nourishing the scalp and stimulating your hair follicles deeply.
:: Reduce hair shedding and falling while boost hair growth.
:: Nourish hair to be strong, healthy, and shiny.
:: Apparent changes can be seen after receiving the first treatment satisfactorily.
:: This service can be provided along with other treatments supportively.
:: Denser and stronger hair is restored comfortably. A serious recovery is not needed.

Losing hair…Losing control over your life
Hair loss and thinning hair problems are like a ticking time bomb. The longer you wait, the more severe it becomes. For those who have not yet had a problem, they may not understand this feeling. But whenever you see a sign of abnormality, it means that the time bomb start ticking. You may feel just a little worried at the beginning. But if you let the problem goes on, you may finally have to stay with it for the rest of your life.

In the past, hair transplantation was quite hard to access due to its scary complicated procedure, troublesome postoperative care, and long recovery period affecting daily life. As the old technique of hair restoration was considered a major surgery, the one who really needed it must be to the point of being "extremely dedicated".

Fortunately, nowadays hair transplantation has developed greatly especially in terms of techniques and equipment. Dr. Dinkanignan Namthongton (Dr. Nin), a hair transplant specialist who truly understands and realizes the meaning and importance of hair, has put a lot of effort into invention and development of NEAT hair transplant technique. Her goal is to hand in the holistic hair care that helps people eliminate their hair problems.

NEAT technique is a perfect combination of science and art invented to make a hair transplant capable to deliver both beautiful results and comfortably convenient service. Namnin has made NEAT technique an easy-to-access hair transplant surgery, right for all ages. Here are what you could experience from NEAT technique:

  • A new facial frame designed by a doctor based on the Golden Ratio principle that helps create a more beautifully proportioned face.

  • As every single strand is implanted by an expert doctor, you can be sure that both the density and direction of the hair will be naturally beautiful.

  • Stepped-removal technique makes shaving and scars forgotten at all. 

  • The tiny equipment allows a detailed and precise hair transplant with small incisions, little pain, no bruising and swelling. Recovery is not needed so you could go on with your normal life immediately after the procedure.

  • After getting a hair transplant at Namnin, periodical follow up will be performed together with close attentive care until the expected results are achieved.

thinning hair ruin your confidence and identity. Open up your heart to Namin’s NEAT to fill in bald spots and thinning hair with the "new one" so that it helps you transform yourself into a new person with a better and attractive look. If you want to be ready for any opportunities to come, let NEAT technique be your reliable helper.

The ticking time bomb of hair problems can be stopped. It's up to you to decide what is right for you.   

5 Must-knows before getting a hair transplant
Getting a hair transplant is a crucial decision, once in a lifetime, because it cab be called an investment. It is the matter of not only money but also own face and hair at stake! That’s why we often hear that before getting a hair transplant, you should get to know it well first. That is the factual advice that Namnin would like to give to hair lovers who are about to make a decision on hair transplantation or those who are about to undergo the hair transplant. 

Here are five important facts that are the reason why we should study and understand the information in detailed before undergoing a hair transplant that may happen only once in a lifetime.

Fact No.1
An only opportunity that should not be failed 
Hair transplantation is not like other cosmetic procedures that can be corrected as often as you desire because it needs the patient's own hair. Besides, the usable hair must be from the Safe Donor Area) which is located, limited in number, at the lower back of the head.

Firstly, let's simply understand the basic principles of hair transplantation. Have you ever noticed that in bald men, hair at the back of the head always remains? This area is known as Safe Donor Area. At Namnin we call it the beneficial hair because of its resistivity character towards the DHT effect, which is an important factor that weakens hair and causes hair falling out easily. Commonly, hairs taken from this safe donor area are used for implanting into the bald areas because the DHT-resistant property will retain no matter where they are implanted. 

Even though we have a great helper standing at the back of the head, that doesn't mean all problems will go away. The amount of hair in the Safe Donor Zone is limited. This gives us only 1-2 times to get hair transplant in our lives. Due to this limitation, the surgeon cannot remove all of the beneficial hairs. Some hair must be kept to avoid thinning after removal. Please be reminded that the amount of hair at safe donor area decrease due to aging so don’t wait until its’ too late.

Therefore, understanding the information clearly will help you make a right decision to get the best hair transplant at the first time.

Fact No.2
Hair Graft: a technical term that you should know
Firstly, let’s understand more about how the hair at Safe donor area is removed. Hair is not removed one strand but a graft at a time. The word “graft” refers to a clump of one to four hair strands. One hair follicle on the scalp consists of one graft.

Why do we need to know about hair grafts? After the doctor analyze your hair problem, hair condition and related factors, the appropriate amount of hair graft needed will be calculated. Generally, about 55-60 grafts per square centimeter is recommended because it gives a proper density with a natural look. Too few cannot end the thinning problem but too dense implantation obstructs the nutrient delivery, leading to hair loss.

Importantly, once we understand what a graft means, it’s the time to estimate the number of grafts required so that we can be sure that the price we are about to pay is a truly worthwhile investment.

Fact No.3
Hair transplantation process - A shared journey between a doctor and a patient
Every hair transplant involves a number of detailed steps. If we understand the overall process, we will see a big picture of the changes that will be seen after its completion. As there are many crucial factors and limitations in every single case of hair transplant, a doctor and a patient need to work hand in hand to achieve the mutual goal.

Before starting each individual hair transplant case, the mutual discussion between the doctor and the patient is one of effective key to-do lists. At Namnin, we have aligned to patient-centered approach because the customer satisfaction is our first priority. After the expectation is determined, the initial processes will be performed i.e., facial framing design on the basis of the Golden Ratio principle, and hair graft calculation.

On the day of the hair transplant surgery, the procedure starts by penetrating and removing hair grafts from the back of the head. In this step, Namnin uses the stepped-removal method in which cutting or shaving hair can be forgotten. In addition, with the stepped-removal technique, there is no wound or scar to be concealed. Right after removal, the hair grafts will be put in a solution to preserve the quality. The hair grafts are then trimmed to suit the area where they will be implanted. This implantation is always meticulously performed by the doctor, one graft at a time.

Fact No.4
Why is it important to have a true doctor to perform the hair transplant surgery?
It's definitely important to have a qualified surgeon because the hair transplantation growing requires both medical science and artistic perspective in designing a treatment scheme and a perfect appearance harmoniously. This task therefore requires a true specialist who has sufficient knowledge and expertise.

While undergoing a hair transplant procedure, there are various factors that require extreme caution and attention. This includes the proper and accurate hair insertion, and selection of hair that has the right size and density, varied by scalp areas.

In addition, each hair graft needs to be implanted taking into account the proper direction and angle to guarantee that it will blend in with the native hair. You should note that hair that grew out in the wrong direction cannot be fixed. 

Depth is another key factor to focus. The proper depth will ensure that the hair roots are well connected to the scalp, improving the delivery of nutrients. All above are the reasons why the doctor should be the one who performs graft implantation. 

Fact No.5
Innovative and standardized equipment
To get the highest satisfaction, the expert doctor also needs excellent assistant that is an equipment. At Namnin, we have utilized the state-of-the-art equipment for penetrating and removing hair grafts from the scalp in order to ensure that the quality of hair graft is preserved well. In addition, an implanter pen, a tiny helper, is used for inserting each hair graft into the scalp at the desired area.

This Implanter Pen helps preserve the quality of the hair follicles that results in increased survival rate. Moreover, it allows the doctor to perform operation fast, meticulously and accurately and control the direction, orientation, and depth more easily. It also reduces pain or swelling which is a side effect in some patients.

This standardized equipment is therefore an important variable that will significantly increase the efficiency and success of hair transplantation.

All of these are five must-knows you need to study before getting a hair transplant so that you could see the overall image of the entire journey. If you are in the middle of making a decision to get a hair transplant, the price should not be your first priority. There are many important factors to consider as well. Please remember, the result of a hair transplant will last for the rest of your life and you have only 1-2 opportunities to undergo hair transplantation, so make a right decision and choose the best solution.

New moms and postpartum hair loss
New mom's world is not as beautiful and dreamlike as in TV dramas. The tough responsibility of being a 24-hour babysitter causes the sleep deprivation as new moms need to cope with all kinds of stress. Worse than that, a number of moms are concerned about changes both physically and mentally. Spare time for new moms seems totally impossible. They have very limited time to take care of herself. Unfortunately, “Postpartum hair loss” makes them more panic when they see hundreds of hairs fall out each day!! Many questions arise! Is there something wrong inside the body? How long does the falling take? Is there a solution to stop this hair loss?

The answer is given below. Let's understand the postpartum hair loss so that you can cope with it well.

Is postpartum hair loss normal?
Postpartum hair loss is a common condition that occurs after childbirth. Statistically, it is estimated that about 50% of new mothers will experience postpartum hair loss. Normally we lose between 50 to 100 strands of hair a day so 100-200 strands shed daily after childbirth are deemed nothing to be worried about.

Why new moms lose their hair?
In addition to stress, anxiety and unbalanced diet, another main cause of postpartum hair loss is estrogen hormone level changes. This is a condition that occurs naturally during and after pregnancy. To understand and visualize precisely, firstly let's get to know the cycle of hair growth that consists of three phases:

  • Anagen Phase or a growth stage
  • Catagen Phase or a transitional stage
  • Telogen phase or a resting stage

When a mother becomes pregnant, the level of estrogen increases continuously, stimulating almost the entire hair all over the head to enter the growth phase all together. Only a little that enter the catagen phase and then falls out. This profitably results in the decreased amount of hair shedding compared with before pregnancy. Consequently, it turns out that a pregnant woman has denser and shiner hair during a 9-month period.

However, after delivery, the level of estrogen decreases rapidly. Hair in anagen stage (growth stage) will stop growing suddenly and enter the catagen phase (transition stage), and then the telogen phase (resting stage). This leads to excessive hair loss, up to 400-500 strands a day. This postpartum hair loss is also known as Telogen Effluvium.

How long will it take ... until my hair stops falling out?
On average, new moms commonly experience the severe hair loss for 3 months. The postpartum hair loss will begin to appear noticeably in the first 2-3 months after delivery. Then during the 6th-12th month, the estrogen level gradually resumes normal until the telogen effluvium condition disappears eventually. Therefore, about 1-1.5 year after childbirth, new moms’ hair will return to its original density.

New moms ...Let's start taking care of hair after delivery...
Although the postpartum hair loss is just a temporary concern, it causes anxiety to new moms who have been experiencing troublesome moment. We cannot predict or avoid hair loss but there are many ways to help restore healthy and beautiful hair. Here are some recommendations to keep the mother's hair strong as much as possible.

Start with a shampoo to clean your hair. It is recommended to use a gentle and non-irritating shampoo. Then massage your scalp gently to increase blood flow to your scalp that nourishes the hair roots better.

Supplemented by hair conditioner. After shampooing, apply the hair conditioner from mid-length down to the ends. Don’t apply conditioner to your scalp because the heavy texture of the conditioner could cause build-up and make your roots appear flat and greasy. Additionally, this build-up could also lead clogged pores which is a cause of hair loss.

A simple task like combing your hair can affect the strength and durability of your hair. It is recommended to brush your hair gently to avoid split ends and breakage. Too much brushing can irritate your scalp and stress your hair, and trigger excessive oil production that leads to hair loss as well.

“Mom haircut” is very popular among new moms as the shorter haircut makes their daily lives easier and also helps reduce the likelihood of postpartum hair loss. Be remined that tying hair tightly can pull on your hairline and over time, result in hair loss. 

  • Try to avoid heat-styling your hair on a daily basis like heat drying, hair straightening and curling, because it will make your hair more fragile. 

  • Food is another key factor for healthy hair growth. Just focus on eating foods from the 5 major food groups, especially foods that are high in zinc, iron, iodine, biotin or omega-3 etc.

  • Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

Premium Hair Booster…. Namnin’s innovation to cope with hair loss 
If you are a new mom who is looking for a powerful hair treatment, Namnin recommends “Premium Hair Booster”, researched and developed by Dr. Nin (Dr. Dinkanignan Namthongton), a skillful trichologist, to restore the density and healthiness of the hair. The key element is the powerful exosome which is the biomolecules derived from stem cells. They are 30-100 nanometer tiny nanoparticles, about 1000 times smaller than regular cells. Within the exosome, there are thousands of different types of biomolecules and many types of proteins, which is over a thousand times more biomolecules and proteins than they are found in PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Furthermore, it is empowered by Namnin's uniquely created vitamin formula. When working hand in hand with Exosome, the potency of hair restoration and nourishment becomes magnified.

Most importantly, Premium Hair Booster is a high-safety solution. When the nanoparticles are injected directly into the scalp, they will repair damaged cells, and in the meantime improve the cell function deeply to the level of gene expression called epigenetic. Pain, side effect, scar, recovery or special care can be forgotten.

Impressively, Premium Hair Booster hands you the proven result of decreased hair loss, improved hair regeneration, and denser and stronger hair. It is also a right solution for any hair loss resulting from different causes like heredity, medical conditions, stress, malnutrition, or chemicals.

However, a year after childbirth, if you still lose more than 100 hairs a day or notice large clumps of hair falling out, it is recommended that you consult with a doctor or a hair specialist to find out the root cause and develop an individualized hair restoration plan.

"Stress", a cause of "hair loss"
Every day, we face and struggle with personal problems such as tiring works, educational issues, family problems, and illness. These result in prolonged stress that can have serious long-term impacts on your mental and physical. “Hair loss” is one of them. Can the stress really trigger a hair loss? 

Definitely, one of the major causes of hair loss is stress. As our hair is quite sensitive to emotional and hormonal changes that can be triggered by stress, you will face a hair loss resulting from cortisol which is often called the “Stress Hormone”. Stress-related hair loss is categorized into 3 types:

Telogen Effluvium 
Telogen effluvium is a condition where trauma or stress causes hair follicles to enter a resting phase. You will notice a large number of hairs falling out, about 2-3 times more than usual, when brushing.

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is caused by chronic stress, one of the primary reasons. It is a condition that causes bald patches on the scalp, resulting from an autoimmune condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles.  

This type of hair loss is not directly influenced by stress itself but the stress triggers destructive behaviors, also referred to as ‘hair-pulling disorder’. An individual with trichotillomania has a compulsive urge to pull or pluck out the hair from the scalp, eyebrows, or scratch the scalp when under stress or anxiety. Definitely, repeated pulling out of hair causes hair loss. For those who face this problem may need to consult a doctor for an anti-anxiety medication.

What’s more, stress has other adverse effects. For example, it can adversely affect sleep quality and duration, cause a depression, a weakened immune system, and trigger excessive oil production resulting in clogged pores. All of these adverse effects eventually lead to hair loss.

Each time you feel stressed, there are many ways to deal with it. You may take time out to relax your body and mind. Exercising, getting enough sleep, eating a complete and balanced diet, and taking essential vitamins, are simple but effective ways out.

Alternatively, to strengthen the hair and scalp, you can select any of these productive options.

Recommended by Namnin:
Elixir Hair Serum by NEAT HAIRNUE 
A serum that combines active and natural extracts to promote hair regeneration. 

A super multivitamin for deep root nourishment

Namnin Perfect Hair Treatment
A spa-like treatment program for relaxation and hair care. Rejuvenate and regenerate the hair from within.

Premium Hair Booster
An innovative therapy to restore density and healthiness to your hair, utilizing an injection of stem cell-derived exosomes empowered by specially formulated vitamins, to encourage natural regrowth and hair follicle activation.

If you have tried to cope with your stress and nourish the hair and scalp by various practical means deliberately but the stressful hair loss has not stopped, we recommend that you consult an expert doctor to analyze the root cause of the problem and design a personalized solution to end it.

Stop “oily hair” with gentle care
“Oily hair” is characterized by increased greasiness due to excessive amount of sebum produced by the glands of the scalp. Naturally, sebum is an oily substance that helps to hydrate and protect your scalp and hair. However, too much sebum can contribute to oily hair.

Overproduction of sebum varies by different factors including: age-related hormone fluctuations; hormonal changes during puberty; menstruation or pregnancy; behavior and lifestyle like too much or too less hair washing, improper washing and wrong product, and lack of proper care of hair and scalp.

Oily hair not only affects the physical appearance and personality but also leads to scalp problems such as clogged pores, acne or Seb Derm (Seborrheic Dermatitis) if it is left unattended.

Namnin has simple tips that anyone can follow to solve the problem of oily hair that is bothering you.

How to wash your hair properly: Select a shampoo for oily hair and scalp. Apply it to your hair and scalp and massage gently. Work the shampoo through your hair, but pay the attention to the scalp. Rinse your hair and scalp completely. Don’t scratch the scalp as it may cause flaking, cuts, or bleeding. After shampooing, apply the conditioner to your hair and Massage it into the length of your hair, avoiding the scalp. Please be reminded that using the wrong conditioner or incomplete rinsing will make your hair greasy faster.

Wash your hair properly, not too often or too seldom. If you are used to washing hair every day but it makes your hair greasy, try extending to every other day. Selecting another shampoo and conditioner that can help reduce the greasiness of the hair and scalp is suggested as well.

Keep your personal items clean such as hair brushes and combs, towels, shower caps, especially hair brushes and combs which have been used for a long time may be a source of grease or oil residue that causes oily and dirty hair.

Gentle hair nourishment and care can be done easily by yourself when shampooing, combing, styling and daily routine. What to avoid is scratching the scalp and pulling hair because it irritates the scalp and causes overproduction of sebum. If you seek for a gently deep care, Namnin recommends Perfect Hair Treatment that perfectly combines the science of scalp massage and hair treatment to nourish the scalp and rejuvenate the hair gently and deeply.

Namnin Perfect Hair Treatment is a comprehensive spa-like treatment that combines the science of scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation, together with quality hair products selected to help balance the scalp. 

At the first step, our specialist massages your scalp with organic oil to wash away the grease or oil residue and dust on the scalp. The Mojelim Elixir shampoo, imported from Korea's leading hair transplant hospital, will be applied to your hair and scalp. Mojelim Elixir Treatment helps to balance the scalp, makes your hair healthy and shinier, and reduce frizz and dryness.

Last but not least, our staff will pat your hair dry and massage your scalp with NEAT HAIRNUE Elixir Hair Serum, a 100% natural extract that helps reduce scalp inflammation, balance the scalp, reduce hair loss, and promote hair regeneration. To complete the treatment, a special hair serum is applied to the ends.

If our treatment and service has impressed you, please consult our professional specialist about how to choose the right hair-care products so that you can have an easy hair care & treatment you can DIY at home.

If you are experiencing the extremely oily hair, dandruff, clogged pores or Seb Derm, it is recommended that you consult a reliable doctor to discover the actual cause of hair loss and guide you how to prevent it proactively. 

One pleasant year, the path to beautiful hair with Namnin
Hair transplantation is not just about inserting a new hair graft into the scalp. It’s not simple like that!

When using the word “plant”, it certainly means “Things take time”. Different phases and stages of a hair transplant are all you need to pay attention to, starting from removing the healthy hair grafts from the back of the head (occipital scalp), implanting meticulously, and looking after properly until the transplanted grafts firmly anchor to the scalp.

To make the newly-transplanted hair cycle live with us permanently for our entire lives, this usually takes one full year of aftercare.

You may wonder, “Why does Namnin have to take up to one year for aftercare?”, “What will happen to our new hair?”, “How difficult is it to take care of ourselves after getting a hair transplant?”, or even, “Will the doctor still be with us until reaching the goal expected?”

Let’s together explore the one-year journey to the gorgeous hair, meeting the “new you” at the finish line....

The starting point of meticulousness

... Well begun is half done.... To step into the field of beauty, Namnin is ready to be your supporter to hit the road to the destination of beautiful hair, with the uniquely-designed NEAT technique whose meaning is Namnin’s Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique.

The dominance of the NEAT technique could be seen at the first step that a patient comes to consult with Dr. Nin. Friendly and attentively, she talks and asks questions to understand the patient’s problem thoroughly. As we are aware that each of our clients comes with different problems, conditions, limitations, needs, and expectations, a fixed formula cannot be used for treatment. All the patient’s information needs to be assessed, analyzed so that a tailor-made personalized treatment will be designed specifically for each case.

During this step, the surgeon checks the availability and readiness of beneficial hair grafts located at the back of the head (occipital scalp), called “Safe Donor Area”, whose special property is durability and falling-resistance. Commonly, the surgeons use hair grafts removed from this safe donor area for implanting into the problem area. The number of hair grafts required must be calculated accurately for the most effective and worthwhile utilization.

In the meantime, the surgeon helps design and draw your new hairline or facial framing, applying the Golden Ratio principle that makes a woman look sweet and gentle, and makes a man look smarter and more masculine. Most importantly, this new facial frame also helps you look younger instantly.
At this starting point, the surgeon starts implanting each hair graft strand by strand to guarantee the neatness of the NEAT procedure performed. This starts from counting, sorting and trimming the hair grafts to be ready for transplantation. To complete this step, a tiny implanter with 0.6 millimeters in sizes is used allowing the precise and gentle insertion of hair grafts.

The surgeon always takes into account various factors that can contribute to the survival and beauty of the newly transplanted, for instance, choosing a right size or even angle of hair appropriate for each recipient area to ensure that it blends in with the native ones. The right number of grafts and the proper depth of placement is another key factor contributing to the success because it influences the delivery of nutrients to hair follicles significantly. These mentioned factors are all rely on advanced medical skills as well as the meticulous practices.

The close monitoring all the way through the hair transplant journey by the True Doctor
After the hair transplant procedure has been completed, the journey of hair care that lasts up to one full year officially begins. That's because the new hair takes time to grow gradually through a natural cycle. However, you will never walk alone! The expert doctor will schedule an appointment to periodically follow up the results of the hair transplantation, and in the meantime provide you some helpful tips to prevent premature hair loss. To achieve the best result, a self-care kit will be provided as well so that you could simply take care of your hair at home.

This is the timeline of natural hair growth cycle that will be constantly monitored by the doctor. During the 2nd week after hair transplantation, stubbles with 2-4 millimeters in length can be observed on the scalp. About two weeks or one month after hair transplantation, newly transplanted hair will fall out resulting from the normal hair growth cycle.
After that in 4th - 6th month, the hair will grow back and grow continuously. In the 9th month, the number of hair strands increases obviously and grows naturally. Within one year after the hair transplant, the hair becomes dense and fully grown.
Stop by to boost your hair with high-quality treatments

After hair transplant, Namnin take care of clients with productive treatment services like LLLT or Low- Level Laser Therapy, with a suitable wavelength in the range of 650 – 680 nm. This red-light therapy stimulates blood flow and improves the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles that results in the enhanced capability of hair follicles. The hair will become denser and stronger. Besides, it also helps in wound healing as well as reducing inflammation for those who have recently undergone hair transplantation.

LLLT is deemed a safe and well-recognized treatment innovation because it utilizes low-frequency waves radiated on the skin tissue or epidermis only without causing any pain or irritation. The side effects can be forgotten.

Another treatment that helps restore the cellular strength is Hair Growth Treatment, which nourishes the hair by stimulating the hair follicles actively, repairing and strengthening the hair follicles to recall a perfect cycle of hair growth.

Hair Growth Treatment - it utilizes the Growth Factor of each patient to promote the function of hair follicles. The patient’s own blood is collected, extracted to get the growth factor, empowered by concentrated vitamins, then injected into the scalp. This treatment is another right choice for those who have undergone a hair transplant as it helps the newly transplanted hair to be thicker, stronger and in the meantime helps the healing process faster. Most importantly, this treatment is safe, non-chemical, non- surgery, and none of recovery is needed. It is therefore a convenient service for hair transplant aftercare.

“The New You”
Cross the finish line beautifully

Although a one-year period sounds like a long journey, it's worth the wait. Especially when having an attentive doctor by your side, who always gives you useful advice, consultation and guidance, you can be sure that what is waiting for you at the destination is the beautiful, dense, strong, healthy and natural- looking hair. Now you can have any hairstyle you love!

Not only that, the friendship between the doctor and patients is another issue which is unanimously approved by our clients. A treatment is not only about a doctor and a patient but also a friend and advisor. One-year period of hair transplantation is now completed. The doctor and the patient are still close friends though.

The reward that awaits you at the finish line is the “New You” who looks younger and good-looking, charming in your own style. Be ready to step out to live your life confidently.

NEAT - the True Worthwhileness in hair transplantation
Hair transplant differs from other types of surgery in that you cannot have it as many times as you want. The most significant factor in hair transplantation is that it needs your own hair which is healthy and strong, and limitedly available at the Safe Zone. The “Safe Zone” or the safe donor area is used to call the area of temples and the lower back of the head. It is about 10-12 inches long and about 3 inches wide, which is about a quarter of the entire scalp. On this safe donor area, there are only about 12,500 hair grafts usable, out of over 50,000 hair grafts. 

Why only the hair from the back of the head is useable? That's because the hair in this area is the strongest and most resistant to falling out. The hair follicles in the Safe Zone has a very special property of resistance to DHT (dihydrotestosterone hormone) which causes the hair follicles become smaller, weaker, thinner and shorter, and eventually leads to hair loss, thinning hair, and baldness. Luckily, this special property still remain with the hairs regardless of where they are transplanted.

In the hair transplant process, your doctor will first assess how severe your hair problem is, calculate the exact number of hair grafts to use before removing them. To remove the hair grafts, the appropriate distance of each removal must be precisely defined so that the remaining hair follicles at the safe donor area will not be too few for another hair transplant in case it is needed in the future.

As you know that the number of hair grafts at the Safe Zone is limited, if the area to be transplanted is quite large, only the hair from the safe zone may be insufficient. In the second hair transplant, you may need to use the hair from other areas like the frontal hairline and the top of the head. Accordingly, you have to bear a possible risk of hair falling out, especially if you are experiencing the hereditary hair loss, as the hair follicles which are not from the Safe Zone lack the DHT-resistant property.

Due to the limitation of the strong and healthy hair at the Safe Zone, mostly we can have only 1-2 hair transplants in a lifetime. Importantly you need to study and understand the various methods and techniques clearly before making a decision so that your first hair transplantation can give you the most “worthwhile” results.
N / E / A / T (Namnin Exclusive Advanced Hair Transplant Technique) is the advanced hair transplant technique invented and developed by Namnin to meet all the concerns and expectations of patients perfectly. Each letter represents the expertise and uniqueness of both the science and art of hair transplantation.

N-Namnin – The treatment and hair transplantation by a professional surgeon. In addition to assessing the problems, Namnin’s expert surgeon is the one who herself implants every single hair, follow up on the progress, and monitor the results throughout the 1-year period of hair transplantation, until the mission is completed.

E-Exclusive – A personalized hair transplantation specially designed for each individual. As the problems and limitations of each person are different, solving problems effectively always requires a new plan. Please note that there is no one-size-fits-all at Namnin.

A-Advanced – An internationally recognized Hair transplantation delivering a high quality, safety, and comfort. All the questions in terms of treatment and beauty are answered here. The quality of our treatments is guaranteed through the keen and excellent attention of Dr. Nin, the founder and owner of NAMNIN Clinic. Every concern and need of the patient is always important in planning a personalized treatment, where doctors and patients work together as a dream team for the best results.

T-Technique - Namin's advanced hair transplant techniques, for instance, designing a new hairline (facial frame) on the basis of the Golden Ratio which is practical for both men and women; and the stepped-hair removal technique without shaving or cutting your hair and no noticeable wound is left. This unique technique is run in the manner of one by one. Each hair follicle is gradually implanted, taking into account the perfect direction, angle, and orientation of the hair. 

As a perfect solution, Namnin is the right option for you in terms of beauty and comfort. You can resume your daily activities right after the surgery is completed. Besides there’s nothing to worry after getting a hair transplant at Namnin as you will be continuously provided a post-op care with productive recommendation for 1 year, until the complete results are seen.

Before making a decision, please exercise your right to “select” a right and worthwhile choice, through studying information and consulting a reliable medical professional. Please remember “A nice flower comes from a good seed and the right soil”.

Healthy Hair with LLLT
Currently, new innovations have been invented continually for the excellent hair nourishment and treatment. LLLT is one of the best-known innovations. You may have heard this name but doubt its performance.
...Let's clear up any doubts or misconceptions about LLLT you may still have.

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a form of medicine that applies low-level (low-power) lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface of the body. The optimal wavelength is in the range of 650 - 680 nm (visible in red with the naked eye).

When the laser therapy is performed on the scalp area, it will stimulate hair follicles and hair growth by boosting blood circulation to optimize the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and improve the cell functionality, which is the heart of healthy hair. This brings us the denser and healthier hair.

The solid result to come is the faster growth of hair, lesser hair fall and denser hair. With LLLT, hair loss and thinning hair caused by hereditary factors, abnormalities of the scalp and hormones influence can be cured safely. However the result varies by different condition of scalp and original hair, color of the scalp and hair, including the hair density.

Beneficially, this low-level laser also helps nourish the scalp especially after you have recently undergone hair transplantation. It can stimulate the healing of wounds on the scalp as well as reduce inflammations influencing the hair regeneration and fall.

Before undergoing LLLT therapy, washing hair is suggested for a better result. LLLT treatment is recommended to be performed with a frequency of 2-3 sessions per week at 15-30 minutes each time. To reach the expected result, the patients should continually undergo LLLT therapy for 4-6 months. However, please keep in mind that too much LLLT therapy can cause dry scalp.

LLLT treatment only stimulates cell growth and supercharges hair follicles without any new hair follicle increased, as a result, this treatment is not the right solution for those who are experiencing severe baldness (no hair roots remains).

LLLT therapy is recognized as a safe and standard technology without any side effects because it applies low-frequency waves to stimulate the hair follicles all over the scalp (on its surface only). It also does not cause irritation or pain during the exposure.

LLLT treatment is an effective innovation selected by "Namnin" to be an optimal choice for those who are experiencing hair loss, recently have undergone hair transplantation, or having a shock loss after hair transplantation. Your weak or damaged hair follicles will be repaired and boosted resulting in healthy and dense hair recalled.

“Hair Thinning” from “A habit of pulling out” A signal of a psychiatric disorder
In some cases, hair loss and thinning is not caused by heredity but behavioral disorder or physical or mental illness. We may notice that we ourselves or those around us have a habit of “repeatedly hair-pulling out” (compulsive hair pulling). Some people pull out their hair intentionally to relieve tension or distress but some pull out their hair without even realizing they're doing it, such as when they are enjoying doing things.  Did you know that this habit of hair-pulling is a symptom of a psychiatric disorder known as “Trichotillomania” or “Hair-pulling disorder”?

“Trichotillomania” is a condition that gives some people strong urges to pull out their own hair repeatedly, both intentionally and unintentionally. It is classified as an obsessive-compulsive related disorder. In addition, it may be caused by other conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, chemical imbalances in the brain, scalp disease or even heredity. 

Besides the hair, people with trichotillomania also pull hair out at the root from places like eyebrows, eyelashes, or even beard and mustache. Although this condition affects the personality and mental state, it hasn’t been well recognized in Thailand. Only few patients have seen a doctor to get a treatment.

To take a closer look at the symptoms of "Trichotillomania" or “Hair-pulling disorder”, it is categorized into two types:

Conscious (focused) hair pulling
The patient will concentrate and focus on pulling out their hair under different circumstances. Some people may have cumulative stress or anxiety. Some feel itchy and uncomfortable.  Some may just see that the hair looks not smooth. When their hair are pulled out, they feel better, more relaxed, and relieved.

Unconscious (automatic) hair pulling 
This type often occurs during doing or enjoying activities such as watching TV, reading books, or working, and then pulling out the hair unintentionally.

However, most cases are mixed hair-pulling behavior. The patients do not pulling out their hair continuously for a long period of time, but repeatedly and frequently do. Some patients may not admit to their condition.

Regarding the consequences of this hair-pulling behavior, the distinctive one is losing self-image, followed by anxiety, stress or depression. Worse than that, some patients may eat their own hair that adversely affects the intestinal function. Moreover, repeated hair-pulling out may cause deformed and unhealthy hair due to scalp inflammation, and lead to hair thinning or bald patches.

Patients with “trichotillomania” or “hair-pulling disorder” can either try themselves to change or seek medical treatment, depending on the severity of symptoms as follows:

  • In the event that a patient is unaware of this disorder or have an unconscious (automatic) hair pulling behavior, what to do first is to make such patient accept his/her disorder. Then the control of their behavior can begins.

  • Patients and those close to them should mutually observe and point out when and in which circumstance the hair-pulling behavior tend to occur, for instance, when bored, sad, or stressed, or during doing any activity. This helps us handle the patient behavior more precisely.

  • Avoid scolding or complaining the patients because it may cause them more frequently pull out their hair. The best way is to use the proper warning methods.

Attempting to evoke the behavior change could heal some patients. However, some may need to go see a doctor for a specific symptom assessment or figuring out the mental disorders. The doctor may prescribe a medication as well. “Trichotillomania” or “hair-pulling disorder” should be treated as early as possible because the younger patient means the easier treatment to complete. One of the ways to restore your attractive appearance and recall your confidence is “hair transplantation” by a medical professional. Your pulled-out hair will be replaced naturally with the new dense and healthy hair. Then the patient with trichotillomania becomes ready for any other proper medical treatment.